Siegbert x Shiro

196 4 16

Request By: ArAgJ2


So these two are the broTM couple. The stereotypical gay guys from any girl's fujoshi manga. You got Siegbert, the sweet lovable innocent one who is obviously the uke. He is super polite and all around just wants to do his best and ends up doing better than his best. Then we have Shiro. He's the outgoing fun one who is reckless and laid back. He's obviously seme and constantly has to teach Siegbert how to relax and have fun. Like I stated before, the broTM relationship. Everyone here should be familiar with this kind of couple, but the two have their own differences from the couple's trope.

Like how they both are going to rule several ekingdoms for ducking starters. That's a big thing to throw in. But also, Siegbert tends to take responsibility for Shiro and he often finds the selfes in tough spots Shiro's carelessness threw themselves into and he is the one to take them out of it. They are the YingYang couple plus the BroTM couple which sends serious mixed signals to Nina and she doesn't know how she is supposed to write them into a gay fanfic. They're unique but at the same time they are simple. That's what makes them such a great couple.


"Yo Siegbert! Check this out!"

Siegbert looked Ho from his training to see Shiro standings uo from his normal crossed legs sitting position. He was holding some sort of disc in his hands. Out of nowhere, he wrung his arm around his body and then Launched the disc towards him. Scared for his life, Siegbert ducked and put his hands upover his head. What was that!? Some sort of new projectile weapon!? Was it a magical weapon like Felicia's plate or was it like any other knife type projectile!? 

The disco was hovering in the air, just soaring towards him. Siegbert rose an eyebrow as the altitude began dropping. He stood all the way up, seeing no more harm. The disc slid to his feet, hitting his toe. Based on the impact and that there was no pain, Siegbert could conclude it was made out of plastic. He looked up to see Shiro holding back laughing and waving his arms like a gigantic dork.

"Come on babe! Throw it back! It's just a frisbee!"

A frisbee? Is that what this tint disc is called? Siegbert picked up the disc and examined it. It was green with a little Valla design in it. He must have got it from Kana or Shigure or someone. Those two are stuck in the country that must not be named until the portal opens again in the bottomless canyon. He must have gotten this during their last visit. He flipped th the disc over and noticed how it was hollow on the other side. How curious. Was that how it was able to fly? He looked over at his boyfriend. Who knows. He could try again.

Siegbert reared up just like Shiro had. He threw his arm around and released the disc. He watched in awe as the disc rose even higher than Shiro's throw and how it had a different curve to it. It was going off track and was far left of Shiro. However his kyfriend didn't seem to mind at all. He sprinted off, chasing the Frisbee. He jumped up to catch it when he was close enough. Siegbert smiled and giggled a little bit as his boyfriend. He looked like a basketball stsrnwoth that jump. Once he landed back down he cupped his hands around his  oath, temporarily dropping the so called frisbee.

"Nice throw babe! Coming right back atcha!"

Siegbert prepared himself to run when Shiro spun around as he threw it. Surprisingly, it went dead straight but it went high up into the air and over his head. Siegbert turned around and started booking it to go catch the frisbee. He dodged the other training equipment and whoever else was in the training yard. The frisbee started to drop. Siegbert was laughing. This was fun! He passed by his father and his auntie Corrin training, but he didn't care. He leaned forward when the time was right, catching the frisbee. Too bad he lost his balance. 

Siegbert secured the frisbee like a football and held it close to his chest, letting his body roll and tumble to break his fall. He then sat up and held the frisbee up to show that he actually caught it. Shiro was sprintin after him and once they both were in eachother's line of sight they stopped and cheered for themselves, out of breath and panting. This was a fun game! Everyone really needs to play frisbee more!

Xander And Corrin Just looked at the couple. Xander thought this was crash and immature. He knows that Siegbert was still a kid but he has gotten a bit more... reckless hanging around Shiro. Or dating Shiro rather. He doesn't mind that his son is gay. He wouldn't lie, he kissed Laslow a few times. Then Corrin was smiling proudly as If they were her own children. They were having fun and being kids! They were living their best life and having their best childhood. There's no way Corrin of all people would bash that.


Play it more


I want to play frisbee now! Ugh! Anyways they are the cutest! Two high princes falling in love? YAOI GOLD!!! Nina would be so proud. I honestly think this is much better than the existing ship of Ryoma x Xander. They fit better together and they aren't boring because they have differences and they can't have more fun with their relationship than Xander and Ryoma! It's freaking adorable and I love this ship so much!

You can picture them in any kind of scenario. A picnic date that Siegbert planned, a baseball game withe Siegbert cheering I;the stands while Shiro hits his second home run for the game and breaks the bat. Shiro randomly walking behind Siegbert and picking him up and carrying him around bridal style like a prize. Siegbert randomly going out of his way to give Shiro a kiss on the cheek. Shiro walking down the aisle in the dress because he had no shame and Siegbert as too embarrassed to wear the dress despite the fact thst he would look a thousand times better I; he dress than Shiro. They're such a versatile, healthy relationship that nothing is too farfetched for them! It's a beautiful ship!

I ship it.

So what about you? Do you ship the boys together? Thanks for reading and I love you!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2018 ⏰

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