Let me at them!!

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~Early Sunday morning Daniels p.o.v ~

"Today is the day! "... I said to myself in the mirror, I was going to ask y/n to do the talent show with me, "daniel! Sweetie breakfast is ready!" My mom yelled form the kitchen, "ok, coming!" I yelled back, I was excited... "Wait what if y/n i-is doing the talent show with...vylad" I growled when I said his name, I don't know why but I really didn't like him,  he was to close to y/n, I was up until 2:40 last night thinking why I felt like this, and then I came to me.. I like y/n, alot, I just love when her h/l h/c  hair flows in the wind and her e/c eyes just shine... I just loved everything about her... "Daniel your pancake are getting cold!" Mom yelled " coming! " I said walking to kitchen.

~Y/n p.o.v~

 As I thought about yesterday, I just stared at my ceilling, I'm always picked on because I'm the "only" werewolf in my family... If only they knew, but it still kinda hurts when they say I'm adopted or that I'm really weird. I have to keep out my ears and tail out because I can't keep them hidden for long, the longest I've kept them hidden was about almost one hour. Aphmau and Daniel asked me why I had ears and Aaron didn't I couldn't find a excuse but luckily the bell for class saved me but I think I need to talk to Aaron and think up a reason that I'm a werewolf and his "not", since dad won't let Aaron show his ears and tail. Just then Melissa knocked on my door, "hey sis what's up? Haven't talked in a while" she said sitting on my f\c bed, she had been at some business meetings or something. "How's school going?" she asked "it's going pretty good except.." I said looking down "what's wrong y/n? " she asked "it's just a few of the students have been picking on me again.. because the ears and tail.." I said "oh y/n.." Melissa said and started to hug me when Aaron came in " hey y/n have you seen mel-" he said, then he saw that I was that there was a few tears on my face and that Melissa was hugging me "y/n what happened?!" He said running over to me and Melissa "she's being bullied again.." Melissa said, I looked up at Aaron and...his eyes started to fade into a red that I new to well...

Aaron had always been overprotective of me and Melissa, once I had been tripped by Zane and Aaron almost beat him up, it wasn't Zane's fault we had been playing tag and I just trip over his foot as I was running from Garroth.

"Who's been bullying you y/n?" Aaron said his eyes fading even more red, "A-Aaron calm down" Melissa said "tell who bullied you y/n?!" Aaron said " it d-doesnt matter Aaron" I said getting up and hugging him "just promise you won't hurt anyone and I'll tell you.."I said "I promise..." Aaron said his eyes going back to normal "now will you tell me who it was?" He asked, " yeah who dare someone treat a great Lycan like that?! Aaron can't beat them up but I can!" Melissa said and started to punch the air, we all started to laugh " but really who hurt you y/n? " Melissa then asked sitting back down on my bed "i-it was gene and his g-gang..." I said " well I haven't been to high school in a while but his gonna regret that! "Melissa said and started to kick and punch the air again, maybe my whole family is overprotective? "Hey you can't have all of the fun!" Aaron said and got up and started to do the same thing as Melissa was " well thanks but y'all can't hurt or beat up anyone ok? " I asked "fine.." They both said.

~Back to Daniel's p.o.v!~

As I walked to y/n house I saw Dottie, Blaze, Rylan and Aphmau / alpha at y/n door "on hey Daniel!" Alpha said "oh h-hey alpha! what are you d-doing here?" I asked, " well as we're wondering if y/n and you wanted to do the talent show with us? " Dottie said, wait that will work that way y/n doesn't think that I like her... I mean I do like her but..I don't want her to know..not yet anyways... "Sure I would!" I said then it hits me that they might have asked Vylad to do it to " w-who's all done u-umm doing it? " I asked, please tell me that Vylad won't be in it "well it's me, Dottie, Blaze, Rylan, you, y/n if she wants to, and june" alpha said, phew I didn't want to have to deal with Vylad, it's not his a bad guy but.. I think he like y/n...

we then knocked on y/n 's front door "hello how can I help you all?" I think y/n's mom asked us "yes we are here to see y/n? Is she here miss?" Alpha asked " yes she is let me go get her, you all can sit in the living room while I go get her" y/n 's mom said, we walked in and...y/n's house is so big! "Wow I didn't think it was this big!" Dottie whispered " yeah this place is huge! " Rylan whispered back "hey guys!" Y/ n said coming down the stairs with Aaron and some girl, maybe her sister, "well we were wondering if you wanted to do the talent show with us?" Alpha asked "o-oh sure, can Aaron do it too? " y/n asked "yes, if you want to A-Aaron? " alpha said, I think alpha likes Aaron/ A alpha (this is too hard to many alpha's) "yeah that would be fun!" A alpha said "ok that's e y/n and Aaron and Daniel, now time to go asked June!" Alpha said and ran out of the house and run to June's house " w-wait! " Rylan said running after her, we just all started to laugh, even y/n, she look's so cute when she laughs...


Ok here's today's chapter sorry it isn't on the right day! Anyways! Word count is 1051

~Frost out!

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now