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So quick authors note!:

Thanks you soooooooo much for 1.38k reads!!! And 77 votes!!
I didn't think the book would do so well! You guys don't understand how happy I am! Thank you, thank you thank you!! Ahhhh!!
*hugs you guys*💙
Thanks so freaking much!!!
Anyways fangirling over this aside.
Onto the Story!!


~Y/n's p.o.v~

"Melissa calm down!!" I yelled at my sister who was going crazy.

"And this is why I stay in my room" Our brother said from to table


You see after I had told them, me and Melissa started to talk about dresses and stuff, Aaron had come down and told us that he was also going.

"OMI Melissa calm down!" Aaron said and started to chase her

"Nuuuuu! Make me!" She said and ran around the dinning table

"Get back here!"

I started to laugh.
Yup this is my family...
Wouldn't have it any other way.

~time skip brought to you readers by the Lycan siblings~

So after a hour my two older sibling finally stoped chasing each other,
Me and Milssa had sat on our coach and picked out my dress.

(Heres what it looks like, you can change the color if you want 😊)

I was gonna also wear (color) flats and put my hair in a low bun, and curl my baby hairs, well hairs that are to short to go in the bun

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I was gonna also wear (color) flats and put my hair in a low bun, and curl my baby hairs, well hairs that are to short to go in the bun.

"You will look Amazing Y/n!" My sister said

"Thanks for helping me sis" I said and huuged her.

"Now its pretty late, lets get to sleep"

I fell asleep that night thinking about the dance...
I can't wait!

~another time skip becuse I have literally have 9 minutes Untill I have to go!~

As I walked to halls of the school, Aphmau and KC kept going on about some shipping thing or somthing...
Who knows??

"So Y/n are you and Daniel going to prom together? Cuz if you are, you should ride with Me, Blaze, Rylan and his date!" She said while smiling

"Y-yup! Thats sounds like fun!"

We walked into our next class, which was English, yay...
I saw Blaze siting in the corner and me and Dottie went to sit by him.
Sadly Daniel isnt in this class, so I'm like the third wheel...

"Alright class, today we are gonna....."

I just spaced out for the rest of the class....
Eventually the bell ringed and we could go.

I walked around alone, no one had this next class with me other then Daniel but he was coming from across the school.
I felt hands go in front of my eyes and I couldn't see anything.

"Guess who?"

Well I thought he was across the school...

"Hmmm... Irene?" I said and giggled

"No, but close!" Daniel said and started to walk besides me, he had the happiest smile I have ever seen.
I never will let anyone stop him from smiling.

"How in the world is that close?" I asked

"Well.. U-Um.. Uhh..." He started to blush a little.

"Its fine, cutie" I said and started to run to the classroom.

"H-HEY!" He said I could tell he was flustered just from hearing his tone.
I giggled.

When we got to Potions class me and Daniel went to our desk, which we had the same one, we tried to keep our laughing to ourselves.

Didn't work...

"Shhhh!!! I'm trying to teach!!" Miss hiyia said (idek is that how you spell it? 😫😂)

"S-sorry..." I said and giggled a little bit more and looked at Daniel who was laughing so hard he was almost crying.



Ok so kinda short chapter but this is what I got so... Here!

Anyways hope you have a good day/night!!

~Frost~Chan out!! (Yes I just called myself that)

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now