What did I do? Pt.1

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~Early Tuesday morning before school, y/n p.o.v~

 "Y/n, wake up sweetie!" A voice said "umm no...more sleep..." I said turning over to my other side "y/n come on get up" mom said as I sat up "Y/N IT'S SNOWING!!!" Aaron said running into my room " wait it's snowing?!" I said "why didn't you tell me mom?!" I asked and got up and put on my coat and running down stairs and out the door "oh my Irene! It's snowing!!" I screamed and jumped up and down "y/n sweetie come back inside and get ready for school!" Mom said from the door " we have school? " I asked walking back inside "yup! Now go get ready" mom said. I then went upstairs and got on my uniform and brush my ears and tail, "come on we are gonna be late!" Aaron yelled form downstairs "I'm coming" I said walking back down stairs ' man I have gone up and down to'  I thought "bye mom! Bye dad!" I said and went out the door.

As me and Aaron walked to school I saw Daniel and the others at the mane doors in there winter coats and hats, "hey guys! Hi daniel" I said as we got closer "o-oh hey y/n!" Daniel said. When ever I see Daniel I feel really weird ( hmm wonder why?! XD) I usually don't really feel weird around guys but Daniels... Different... "So y'all happy about the snow?" Vylad asked walking over to us, I then heard a growl, I think it was Daniel "yeah I just love snow!" Dottie said "I love snow too!" Blaze said, he was wearing a coat that was Dotties favorite color, they are so cute together. "What about you y/n?" Vylad asked me "I like snow, but what I like doing the most is drinking hot chocolate!" I said " well I like hot chocolate too, but can't werewolves not have chocolate, you know since y'all are kinda like dogs? " Vylad said, and I swear Daniel was gonna hit him when he said that "no offense, I don't know that much about werewolves" he said "well we can have things like fake chocolate" I said, just Then Garroth walked up to us " hi guys! Hi y/n.. " he said, but when he said my name he looked like he really hated me or something.. "Vylad, Aphmau can I talk to you?" Garroth said and have me a look, I don't know what I did, I mean we are not the best of friends but he usually is pretty nice "yeah sure" Vylad said and he and Aphmau walked away "hey umm I'm gonna go talked to a few people over there, Blaze Aaron let's go talk to those people over there!" Dottie said and dragged Aaron and Blaze with her "S-So y/n how did you sleep?" Daniel asked, I hadn't slept good since gene has been you know.. Bullying me and stuff "I slept pretty good"  I said, I then thought I heard him whisper something but I couldn't hear what he said " what was that? " I asked "n-nothing!" He said, I think he was blushing, just Then the bell rang and we walked into the school. 

(By the way Daniel whispered "you look preatty" )

~later that day at lunch! ~ 

"Look of us trys to hurt you I'll beat him up!" Daniel said trying to look all strong " says the person who couldn't hurt the spider that was crawling on the floor! " I said and have him a playful punch "oww!" He said " come on in hungry! " I said and went to get in line for food. We then went to sit at the table that Aphmau and everyone was at well except Aaron don't know where he was"hey guys!" I said sitting down " .... " said everone, "did something happen?" I asked, still no one answered, "hey y'all ok?" Daniel asked "yeah we are fine! What you eating Daniel?" Aphmau asked, "oh me and Daniel got the pizza!" I said, "I see your eating the pizza DANIEL" Aphmau said completely ignoring me, "ok did i do something wrong?!" I asked a little angry " so how was class Da-" Dottie started to ask "umm y/n a-asked you guys a question?" Daniel said trying to help " well y/n can just go well away! " Dottie said "she's a real jerk, not I even would say something like that.." Vylad said.

I couldn't believe what they were saying "what did I say?" I asked , I felt I like I might just cry, even Aaron wouldn't talk to me, "you know what you did! Gene told us everything!" Blaze said " come let's go to a different table.. " Aphmau said and they walked away well except Daniel, "w-what did I do?.." I asked myself, I can't believe this is happening... "I bet it's just a misunderstanding" Daniel said " let me try to find out what happened " he said and hugged me "I can't believe Daniel's hugging that jerk!" Vylad said from across the lunch room, I couldn't hold on my tears in anymore and I ran out of the lunch room and down the halls, "y/n wait!" Daniel helped but I didn't listen i just kept running, I ran out side into the cold snow and ran to the trees behind the school, I stopped running and sat against a tree and cryed, "what did I do?..." I said and then realized I didn't have my coat " well great! First all my friends think I'm a jerk and now I'm gonna freeze to death!.. " I hugged my knees trying to keep warm and a few tears fell down my face... "H-hey you look kinda cold, here.." Daniel said as he put my coat on my shoulders "thanks Daniel... Thanks for not being mad at me.. " I said and a few more years fell "y/n... It's gonna be ok I'm here.." He said and then hugged me, " hey Daniel?.. " I asked "yeah y/n?" He said " w-why.. " I said "why what?" He said looking into my eyes " why are you my friend? I mean I'm just weird and a jerk apparently, I'm ugly and just... " I said looking down, what he did next surprised me.. "Y/n never say that again! " he said and started hugging me again "you are not weird and your not ugly! You are the most prettiest girl I have ever seen and I am your friend because I like you!" He said still hugging me " y-you like me?.. " I asked, and what he said next will forever change me life "y/n...

~Ok sorry for the cliff hanger even if you might know what gonna happen next but I'm sleepy and am gonna go a pt. 2 anyways, oh and sorry I didn't post Sunday I got sick and just kinda needed to rest and I know I haven't been the best at posting on time, neck this being posted o  Thursday! Anyways sorry and 

~Frost out!

(Word count 1199)

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now