Its over ;-;

153 4 5

So this book is done.
I am sorry it had to end but!
I plain on there being a book two!!

Yeah I wouldn't just leave you guys all sad (if you were that is)
But yeah book 1 is over.

I will be editing the first few chapters, they are horrible.
Then I will start the next book.

Thank you guys so much for reading.
Really, you don't understand how much this means to me, from all the votes and reads to the funny, kind and helpful comments.

Thanks you so much ❤💙❤💙

Also, please I need feed back:
Do y'all want the Letter AU I came up with or should I get rid of it?
I don't know if its any good, but I think its ok-ish (maybe)

But just please tell me? : )
Just yes or no?

Anyways I will stop now.
Have a good day/Night

~Frost Out!

But I love you (Daniel x Reader, Book One) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now