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So I'm board and my friend is to so we're going to do a rp of superwholock one at a time

First doctor who

A .M.OC Serenity: Olah

Amy: hi?

S: we've come to talk to you because saige is being a Derp and this book needs more pazaza

A: oh ok. So what do I do?

S: just entertain the readers

A: ok I have this really funny story about when Rory wet his pants at a bar. Should I tell it?


A: ok so me and Rory where at this really fancy bar and Rory had had a lot to drink and was really drunk and then he looked over at me and his face was soo red it looked like the doctor red bow-tie and he told me this "Amy I wet my pants." Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I couldn't stop laughing for like 5 minutes. It was so funny


A:ROTFL. Do you think there entertained now?

S: yes they most be entertained

A:ok good I was cooking fish fingers and custard

S: oh can I have some?

A: sure I'll go get you some now bye people.

S: bye.

Supernatural rp

Jessica:hey waz up?


J: heaven is so pretty, don't you agree?

C: yes heaven is one of my favourite places and my home

J: yah I'm so glad I went to heaven not hell

C: I'm very happy too Sam must be very proud

J: you know him?

C: yes he's one of my friends I conceited him family I guess

J: wow well I have too go now maybe I will see you later

C: goodbye

Sherlock rp

Sherlock: hello Molly how are you?

Molly: I'm good Sherlock what brings you here

S: oh nothin just board, agin

M: how do you seem to always to be board

S: because everyone is stupid

M: I'm not stupid

S: yes you are

M: well that was unnecessary

S: what you said you went stupid which was a lie and I don't like lies unless I'm the one telling the lie

M: screw you

S: ah excitement thank you Molly I'm going to go now bye

M: bye?

S: yes you know it's something normal people say right?

M: um yah ok bye

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