Hat Kid

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Born Harriet Joel Zhana Daneyres, to her parents, Joel Meghan Daneyres and Zhana Daneyres. She was born prematurely, which honestly, broke her parent's hearts. She had to stay in the hospital for a while, and her parents legit cried Tears of Joy, when she was brought home. She was very, very close to them, so when her mother died of an illness, just after her 5th birthday, she was found crying next to her body, not understanding why Mommy wasn't waking up, and afraid to leave her. She fought as hard as she could to stay with her, but her father took her away. She never saw her mother again.

They say, lightning never strikes twice, but unfortunately, her father dies of the same illness that took her mother, and she was once again found crying, cursing Fate. She is sent to an orphanage, where she refuses to play with the other kids, concerning everyone in charge. No one adopts her, and she grows bitter. Soon, a little girl, around her age walks up to her, wanting to play. Hat Kid refuses the offer, ignoring her, and waiting for her to go away. The girl looks around, then sits down next to her, much to her annoyance. The other girl begins trying to make small talk with her, talking about the weather, her brother, the birds, and Hat Kid can't help but listen.

Again and again, the girl keeps coming back, and Hat Kid finally speaks up, and asks her name. She introduces herself as Bea, and she asks Hat Kid the same question. It surprised everyone when she responded, without the bitter tone in her voice, "Harriet."

Eventually, Harriet is taken home by her mother's sister, LouAnne Sigiliph. She grows close to her, and ends up enrolling in the Academy, which showed her prowess for physical activity. She quickly becomes known as the best student and the youngest to graduate with honors.


Her first mission was the one that stranded her on the planet.

No, she's not falling for a particularly naughty, blonde girl, no siree.

She is actually really good at sewing.

She is the unofficial daughter of the Snatcher.

Her yellow cape and ribbon represent her graduation from the Academy.

While she's good at singing, the reason she hates to sing is the death of her parents.

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