Chapter 1: The Start of a New Year

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Chapter 1: The Start of a New Year

Cadence Richards, Irene Adams, and Stephanie Green walked up the steps of Jacksonville High, side-by-side. "This is going to be the start of a fantastic year, girls!" Cadence said excitedly.

"How?" Stephanie wondered.

"This year we're seniors and we're gonna totally run the school. Like, duh, Steph," Irene imitated their least favorite cheerleader.

"No, not that," Cadence rejected her theory. "Then, what?" Irene wondered. "I hear, we're getting a new student," she said with a faint air of secrecy.

"Oh. My. God. Jacksonville hasn't gotten a new student in like forever!" Stephanie squealed. "Well," Irene said," there was that one kid in kindergarten."
"That's doesn't count, he was their for one day," she countered.

RIIIIIING. "We should get to our classes." Cadence suggested and they all shuffled away in different directions.


"Cadence Richards?" Mrs. Sanchez called. No answer. "Cadence? Ms. Richards this is no game." She looked up from her laptop. "Ms. Richards?"

"Here!" She yelled as she burst through the door. "I'm sorry but my first period class is all the way across the school and I was still trying to figure where this class was and," Mrs. Sanchez gave her a look that read 'not in the mood',"and I'll just sit down," she shuffled to the only available seat.

"Alright," she continued with roll-call but Cadence didn't care. She knew everyone in this small town, and expected exactly that from Mrs. Sanchez.

She looked to her left and saw Irene, who was on her phone, and smiled. Does she ever get off that thing, she thought to herself. Cadence then looked to her right. Hello? And who might you be? She whipped out her phone and texted Irene.

"Who's sitting next to me?" She texted first.

"Idk. Who?" Was Irene's answer.

"Idk!! I was asking you, duh. Just look to my right."

She looked up from her phone, finally, then gave Cadence a questioning look.

"Alright, class!" Mrs. Sanchez startled them both with a mighty CLAP! Both Irene and Cadence jumped in their seats. " We have a new student, as you probably guessed and his name is-" she cut herself off. "I think I'll let him introduce himself and maybe he could answer a few questions you would like to ask. Would that be ok?" Mrs. Sanchez turned to Mystery Boy, who's eyes bulged. "Uhh, umm, yeah. Sure, I guess." Damn, his voice is deep, Cadence thought. Now that she thought about it he was pretty cute. Tall, blonde, light green eyes. She could get used to him.

He was about to open his mouth before Ms. Sanchez interrupted him,"Ah, at the front of the class please. Oh and since our president is here why doesn't she stand with you?" She looked at Macie Wong, who stood up and went to the front.
I don't get why Macie had to be up there with him. Like, wow, she's the president. Do the teachers know that she represents the student body, not each student body? Whatever, it's stupid.

Mystery Boy followed her and began to talk. "Uh, I'm Michael Adams. I used to live in L.A, Califor-" He was interrupted by Andy Baldwin, the football "star" or whatever,"Looks like we got us a city boy!" Everyone laughed, save Cadence, Irene, and Macie. Cadence actually looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"Continue," Mrs. Sanchez gestured towards Michael. "Well," he started up,"Like I was saying I'm from L.A...uhh I moved here during the summer...umm I don't know what to say," He looked up at Ms. Sanchez like a lost puppy. And being the woman she was (lonely and old) she saved him," Just answer their questions." As soon as she said that hands shot up as fast as Quicksilver, himself. "Andy," Mrs. S said. "Bro, tell me you're into sports."

"No," he said,"But I do marching band." Yes, Cadence, who's in color guard, thought. Cadence put her hand up and Mrs. S called on other girls who asked if he was single, which he replied yes and they giggled, then turned to Cadence. "Cadence." "What do you play?" I asked. "What?" He asked. "Well, you told Andy that you're in marching band, and I'm in guard, so I was wondering what instrument you play."

"Oh, wow, um, drum line."

"Tenor?" I asked. "Nah, snare." he said. RIIIIING That had gone by much faster than Cadence thought.

As she was walking out of the door Micheal called her,"Hey, Guard Girl! Wait up!" Irene laughed when he walked up to them,"Guard Girl?"
"Yeah, problem?" He said jokingly.
"Umm, yeah. I am in guard myself and I shall let you know that we are women not girls." He bowed,"Sorry, milady. Anyway," he turned to Cadence," When's try-outs?"

"We don't have try-outs, we need people bad, so all you gotta do is show up."

"Yeah," Irene said,"Just March your cute little butt over there."

"Irene!" Cadence wasn't even surprised, she was always the outgoing one, but she didn't want her to scare off the new kid.

"What? It was a pun, don't be such a baby." She saved her hand at Cadence.

"What period do you have next?" She change sure direction to the newbie.
He took out his schedule and looked it over,"Umm, math with Trace," he said.

"Oh, he's good. Makes a lot of bad jokes but goes easy with grading," she tucked her hair behind her ear," Ok, so at lunch just meet us at the door that goes out the the front parking lot by the bike racks at lunch, then we can talk." Irene said.

"Sure," he started walking away then rushed back," Hey, where's my next class." Cadence pulled out a map from her bag. "I usually save this for annoying freshmen but here, have it." He smiled, "Thanks," and walked away. Cadence blew through her next classes, art and Spanish. Then walked to the door they had explained to Michael.

"Hey," she waved to him.

"Hey," he said," Umm, I never got your name."

"Cadence Richards."

"Sounds fancy."

"It's really not."

"Richards. Better than Adams, Michael Adams."

"I like Adams, sounds sophisticated."

"Except I'm not."

"Ah, self doubt."

"When does the season start?," he changed the subject.

"Marching band?"I asked. He nodded.

"Umm, it star-Hey Steph!" She changed her attention to her friend and waved her over. Steph started walking faster and made a questioning face and pointed at Michael, Cadence just rolled my eyes.

"So Michael this is Stephanie and vice versa." They shook hands. "I play snare," Michael said.
Steph nodded,"bass." She looked at me and waggled her eyebrows, I rolled my eyes. Michael made a weird, and cute, confused face.
"Anyways," I changed the subject,"Michael the season has ready started.
"Really?" he asked.
"Yeah," I said. "Well, technically, it started already in the summer; ya know, band camp. We didn't learn much, just the warm-ups, people tunes for games, and the band sight read the music. It was in the summer but it's optional so you don't have to worry about it, but next year you should totally go. Its crazy fun, and on the last day we have a water balloon fight. Are you signed up for band PE?"
"I think, lemme check my schedule," he pulled it out. "I do," he said.
"Lets go get some lunch," Cadence said.

That's my first part of Marching Band Love Story. Please comment what you think and don't forget to vote!! Sorry about this chapter being so short. I'm not too good at writing. Have a great day or night. -Love Ya <3 Dina

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2016 ⏰

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