Temporary love

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It's a hard thing to keep and a hard thing to lose

I should know i lost a lot of family

But losing a person you love, not family is the worst pain

The bond you have with the person can heal you from a wound

I feel love is something to hold cherished

I lost love

It hurt


But you get over it

Love for some people is only temporary

My love was true

At least that's what i thought

The tears that roamed my face freely that day

I screamed and yelled at myself

When it really wasn't me

It was the person who decided to break the bond and cheat

My friends say don't talk to him the only makes it worse

But i mean we were friends before

Though we will never be that same

I used to take out my anger on myself

Every time he said he loved me and i believed it

Every time he said he would never defy me

Never cheat on me

I guess temporary love is something a lot of people have

But i always feel sad i when i think

My love

My powerful Love

My healing love

Was Temporary love

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