Cops and Robbers

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The Dreamers. A gang located in Seoul. Made up of eight teenagers. They fight for the future, and face the past.

"Sunhee! We've got a problem!" A voice sparked from a girl's earpiece. The girl was in a rich dude's mansion that was abusing his power over the citizens.

"What is it Chenle?" The girl, Sunhee, asked touching her earpiece. 

"We've got incoming, two guards! They are making their rounds earlier than usual!" A voice squeaked through.

"I'm by a window. Can Jeno get a lock on them?" Sunhee asked in a hushed tone.

"Negative, he's on the opposite side of the building."

Sunhee cursed and peeked out from her hiding spot. Sure enough two men were walking down the hallway, both were armed with guns. "Is Jisung at the vault yet?"

"Yeah- he's getting the money out of there, still working on it."

"I'll have to engage them then." She said grimly. "Make sure Jisung gets to the rendezvous point."

"Sunhee...." Chenle warned, but Sunhee was already in action. She threw a knife at one of the guards striking him in the stomach. He fell to the floor and the other guard drew out his gun. A shot rang out as a knife was released.

Sunhee was brought to her knees as the other guard fell. A pained gasp sounded through the comms alerting Chenle to what happened. Sunhee looked down at her side and saw red seeping through her clothes, she pressed her hands to the wound and hissed.

A dry chuckle sounded through the hallway. It was one of the guards, still alive not for long though. "Never thought I'd be able to kill a member of the Dreamers."

Sunhee gritted her teeth, "I'm not dead yet numbskull. And we won't die until we've succeeded in wiping away the stain of evil." 

The man laughed at the sound of the female's voice, "So I clipped the leader." A shuddered breath left his body, and he was silent.

A crackle sounded over the comm. "SUNHEE GET OUT OF THERE JISUNG'S GOING TO BLOW THE PLACE UP!" Sunhee shook her head and shakily stood up. 

"I hear you, no need to yell Haechan." The girl took a step forward, leaning heavily against the wall. A wheeze sounded from the girl. "Is Renjun nearby?" 

"Yeah, I'm here." A new voice came over the comms.

"Sunhee you've got a minute before this thing blows." Haechan warned. Sunhee looked out the window, she'd made it to. Six stories up. 

"Yo Renjun. You're probably gonna kill me, just kill me later." A crash sounded as Sunhee jumped through the window and started free falling.

The three boys in the van looked at each other in concern. "Everyone's out right?" A new boy said coming into the van. He took a glance at their faces then demanded. "What happened?!"

"We don't know. Sunhee's comm shut off. The monitor says she's right outside the building though." The comms crackled as Chenle turned back to the screens. He looked through the camera views of the building until he spotted something. He immediately pressed a button and spoke urgently through the comm. "Jaemin! Head over to point D, and pick up Sunhee-"

BOOM. Embers rained down as the building exploded.


A knock sounded on the back of the van, as the unidentified member hesitantly opened the door. They gasped at the sight that greeted them. 

"Hey Mark. Give your leader a hand will ya." Spoken through shuttering breaths was Sunhee, clad in scratches and still clutching her side. The now named member, Mark, cautiously lifted Sunhee into the van as three more boys jumped into it. They all gasped at the sight of their battered leader. Sunhee waved them off and the car jerked, Chenle's invention doing the job meant for it. 

Renjun made his way to the back of the van trying to close the doors that were opened. He shook his head. "JENO!" He shouted over the noise of the wind. "YOU NEED TO GET THE POLICE OFF OUR TAIL!" 

A boy with dark brown hair made his way over to the flapping doors. He looked apologetically at Sunhee. "Can you help me? You the only one with a good shot."

Sunhee nodded, in to much pain to speak. They made there way over to the doors, resisting the wind trying to tear them away. "JUST HIT THE ONE ON THE RIGHT!" 

Sunhee looked at the three police cars and nodded to Jeno. She aimed the gun towards the tire of the right car. Sunhee fired, hitting the right wheel, causing the police vehicle to careen into the middle one, Jeno's shot doing the exact thing to the left car. The middle police car got squished between the two cars as the Dreamers sped away. Sunhee was thrown a bit backwards from the recoil and stiffened, biting her lip in agony. 

Jeno pulled Sunhee over to the side and Renjun rushed towards her. Her eyelids fluttered as she struggled to stay conscious. Renjun cut away the shirt covered by blood and revealed a piece of shrapnel from the bullet lodged into her side. It was right above the gang tattoo on her hip. The symbol of family. The blue butterfly with the word 'DREAMERS' on its right wing. A collective gasp ran out from the gang.

"That bad?" She asked through gritted teeth.

"Yeah." Renjun shooed the boys to the front of the van, leaving both Renjun and Sunhee in the back. "What the heck did you do?" Renjun asked as he grabbed some anesthetic. 

"Got shot covering for Jisung, then jumped out a six story window to trying and avoid getting blown up, then got catapulted away from the building from the blast." Sunhee hissed as Renjun added it on the scratches on her arms.

"I can't remove the shrapnel in the van, it's too bumpy. We will have to wait until we get back to the base." Renjun said dabbing more anesthetic on various scratches.

Renjun stroked the youngers hair comfortingly. "Just fall asleep. We'll be there soon. You've done enough today."

With exhaustion weighing down on her, Sunhee closed her eyes and drifted unconscious.

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