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SCENE 24 :::

''What a great reason..''... Phana sigh.. Kit look at his two best friend.. and continue..

''I know I should have told you earlier.. but I wasn't sure he love me or not.. and I thought , If I told you.. you both will cage me somewhere.. and I don't want that..''

''Don't you think ,, that's  a normal reaction Kit.. you fucking fall for a gangstar.. seriously.. sorry Mr. Ming.. but I had to.. he is important..'' Beam said.. Ming nod and said..

''I know.. I'm sorry but I'm not sorry to love him.. Believe me I try.. But he is just..''

''Shut up..'' Kit scold Ming.. '' Why are you saying sorry to them.. they are my best friend.. they should give me more attention to know what I'm doing..''  Phana and Beam froze to hear that..Kit continue.. '' Just because he is in mafia.. doesn't mean he is a bad man.. Phana.. He is our senior .. He completed his engineering from University of Toronto.. It's the situation that make him the bad guy.. Beam he doesn't even wanted to be with me.. because he think If I'm with him.. I would be in danger.. I choose to be with him.. and I know what I'm doing.. can't you both just support me on this,, please..''.. Ming pat on Kit back.. Phana notice all Ming action.. Kit chock on breath.. Beam hold his glass of water but Ming already give him one.. Beam put down his glass.. 

Food is arrive.. even they are not in mood to eat but it will be bad behavior to let the food wasted.. Phana look at Ming.. who quietly took cucumber from Kit plate and give his egg and extra meat on kit plate.. Kit didn't even notice.. he start to eat.. when they are eating they didn't say anything.. Beam tap on Phana when he see.. how Ming put extra meatball on Kit plate and some vegetable too.. but he always blow on the food,, so it become little less hot.. he feel jealous.. His boyfriend is eating non stop without even looking at him.. and Ming give his full attention to Kit.. but how can he blame Forth,, he is the one who told Forth not to treat him like a women.. 

after eating they order coffee .. coffee come with a love shape candy for extra sweetness.. Kit put his candy on the coffee mug and take Ming candy and put it on his mouth.. Phana yell in frustration..

''What's wrong with you.. can't you stop.. If you want more candy I can order it for you.. why take his..?..''

''Little Pig.. he even give you his egg and meat.. you don't even notice.. If you are going to be like this.. he will definitely going to break up with you..'' Beam added..  Ming chuckled.. Kit look at Ming.. Ming pat on his head like he is patting some lose puppy.. and he said..

''Never.. that's not gonna happen ever..''.. Now kit look back at his friend and said..

''Who said I didn't notice.. He always do that.. You also know I hate cucumber and love egg.. he know that too and the candy.. he doesn't eat sweet..''.. Phana blink..

''How long you two are together ?''

''2 days..'' Kit answer ..

''And you know so much about each other just in 2 days..''

''Bullshit.. do you think I fall for some stranger in 2 days.. give me a break.. we know each other almost  3 month..''

''3 month.. the cake.. flower and the food.. is it from him..?..'' Beam asked.. kit nod.. Ming talk this time..

''Look I can't change who I am.. But I know he is special to both of you.. Believe me,, I try to ignore my own feelings.. but he trick me to confess.. So I took the gamble.. I don't like him cry.. I let him be the captain of this relationship.. I would just follow him.. but you two have the right to punish me.. If I ever treat him bad.. sorry but I can't let your friend go.. I love him.. I really do..'' Beam grab Phana hand.. Phana sigh.. Forth asked Ming.. 

''Did you understand that time,, what Kit said..?''.. Ming smile and nod.. Forth asked what it is..?''

''Bring back my old Ming.. who talk less then a sentence in  10 minute..''.. Kit chuckled... Forth suddenly scream..

''Man I like you.. you are cool.. Kit congratulation..'' he look at Beam and said.. ''Baby,, said congratulation to them..'' Beam look at Forth then Look at Kit and Ming then said..

''Congratulation..''... Kit smile brightly.. Phana sigh....     

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