wedding day

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keith was nervous. he got into a red and black tuxedo.

 he got into a red and black tuxedo

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shiro helped him. "do you think i look okay" keith asked. "you look nice and i'll be by your side every step on the way" shiro said. "okay i'm ready" keith said. him and shiro walked up in front of everyone. soon zoey walked down the aisle. she was so pretty keith smiled and blushed like a dork. he took her hands in his as they began.

they did the rings and the vows now all that was left was to kiss the bride. keith leaned in and was about to kiss zoey. suddenly a gunshot hit him in the chest and more filled the air. 

he fell to the floor as a scream filled the air

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he fell to the floor as a scream filled the air. mak and cheez stood in the back holding a smoking gun. "anyone else move and the next bullet will be in the bride's head" mak said walking over to keith. shiro gripped his hand gun as he pointed it right at mak. "shoot and she get's shot in the head" mak said and kneeled down next to keith.

"jesus good shot right in the chest" mak said. "thanks i've been waiting to shoot him ever since i killed his father" cheez said holding her gun towards zoey.

 "thanks i've been waiting to shoot him ever since i killed his father" cheez said holding her gun towards zoey

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without warning mak grabbed keith by the shirt and started to drag him toward cheez. "let's go" he said as blood stained the floor. keith suddenly grabbed his gun and shot mak's hand. he screamed in pain and cheez pointed her gun at keith and fired again. a blood chilling scream filled the air as shiro fired his gun at cheez.

she fell to the floor and mak picked her up and ran. "this isn't over krogans we will have revenge" mak yelled and left. "lance hunk get them and bring them back don't let them leave" shiro yelled running toward keith and laid him down on the floor. zoey rushed to keith's side. "pidge get me a cloth,a bottle of wine and two very sharp knives" shiro said and looked at zoey. "zoey when i say you'll push as hard as you can on the wound when i pull the bullets out. i hope you can handle the sight of blood" shiro said.

keith groaned as he held his chest. "i need you to move your hand" shiro said. when keith did it was covered in blood. krolia held keith's bloody hand and calmed him. "" keith said weakly. "no your going to be fine just stay with us okay" shiro said. pidge ran in with a cloth, a bottle of wine and two knives. pidge handed zoey the cloth and she got ready. shiro opened the bottle and said "deep breath in buddy" then he poured the wine on the wound.

keith screamed in pain. shiro covered his hands and both knives in the wine then went in with removing the bullets. he pulled out one but as he moved around keith started to cough. he coughed up blood on zoey's hand. she looked away. "zoey stay with me" shiro said. zoey turned pale then looked back at keith. "where is it" shiro said and moved farther in. then he pulled it out. zoey put the cloth on keith's chest hard.

she put all her body weight on the wound. keith groaned in pain as pidge called an ambulance. lance and hunk threw cheez and mak into the room in handcuffs. blood dripped down keith's mouth as he clutched krolia's hand hard. police parked there cars and rushed toward keith. they had zoey move back as they took her place. they rushed keith into the ambulance and zoey got in.

they took off and shiro looked back at mak and cheez. "cheez answer me" mak cried as cheez's eyes were closed. her breathing stopped as she lay lifeless. lance and pidge took mak and cheez into the garrison cells as everyone else went to the hospital. krolia saw as zoey sat in the hall face in her hands. it looked like she was crying. shiro walked over and sat down next to her. she hugged him as soon as he sat down. she cried and cried on shiro's shoulder. 

days went by as no news came. the more time passed the more fear came. soon keith's band buddies showed. "yeah we heard and we desided to check in" one of the band members said. "so what are your names" shiro asked. "well this is rick the drummer, Sam the guitar player, tom the back up guitar player, and i'm Jason back up singer. we couldn't leave our lead singer alone zoey invited us as a surprise" Jason said.

"thank you all for coming" shiro said and shook there hands. "any news yet" tom asked. "no nothing" krolia said. "hi i'm keith's mother" krolia said holding out a hand. "oh damn now we owe him twenty bucks" Sam said and shook krolia's hand. "do i want to know" shiro asked. 

suddenly lance yelled "he's awake". zoey ran down the hall and pushed threw shiro and krolia. she ran into keith's room. shiro and krolia walked into the room also along with keith's old band. zoey kissed keith on the head. "aw" rick said. "hey i'm thinking of a song that goes like "cause I've been struck by lightening, lightening, it's frightening, frightening, i don't think i'll be the same again" Jason sang. "oh no wait how'd you guys get here" keith asked. "zoey invited us as a surprise. come on you know the words" Sam said.

keith signed. "oh, you mean everything to me, everything" keith sang. rick started to beat on the table. Sam and tom stretched out ponytails and strummed them. keith continued to sing. Jason sang along. "ohhh" Jason sang.

then tom, Sam, Jason, and rick sang along. "cause I've been struck by lightening, lightening, and it's frightening, frightening, i ever think i'll be the same again. your my princess, my girl, your my interest, my world, you mean everything, everything to me" they sang. they all laughed. "man that was the first song we ever sang together. remember the name they gave us" rick said. "how could i forget" keith said. "lightening it's frightening" they all sang.

"so zoey invited you all" keith asked. "happy wedding present" she said and kissed his forehead. "oh wait he didn't kiss the bride" hunk said. keith and zoey looked at each other. then kissed on the lips. "yeah" everyone said. "i guess she was your princess" jason said. keith grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

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