the accident (part 2)

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keith sat in his room for weeks not taking off the mask. keith went into the bathroom and he took the mask off. zoey walked into the room and saw in the bathroom he had his mask off. she held her mouth as she saw his face messed up. keith saw her and closed the door. "keith open up" zoey said. "no" keith said.

zoey opened the door. "i said no" keith said. zoey opened the door and walked in. she saw his face. scared and cut. she put a gentle hand on his cheek. making him look up. "it's okay" she said in a soft voice and hugged him. "you don't have to be scared of what you look like" zoey said. keith put his head on zoey's shoulder. "i'm not scared of what i look like it's what other people will think" keith said.

"well i know how you feel shara has been wearing a scarf in class. I've been getting calls from her teachers because of it" zoey said "and it doesn't help that jack is gone for three months because he is in Washington" zoey said. keith raised his head. "so show our little girl that her father is brave like the man i married. i'm proud that my husband is different. and you should too" zoey said and left the room.

keith looked at the calendar. today was a meeting in front of all the garrison kids. he was teaching them how to fly ships. he got nicer cloths on and out of the room and down the hall. he walked toward the hanger door and stopped as he took a deep breath and opened the door. hundreds even thousands of people stared at him. he took on step forward then another. eyes on him. he could feel the fear in the air.

he looked around and his eyes stopped on shara. she was in the back with a scarf over her face. "show our little girl that her father is brave like the man i married" zoey's words filled keith's mind. he smiled at her and walked toward the group of kids. kids of all ages stood in the same uniforms as they stood in line by height and age. keith stopped in front of them. "my name is keith krogan and today is your first test about flying a ship. each level you complete get's harder than the last. if you'll please follow me then we'll get started" keith said and turned toward a ship.

this ship was grounded to the floor and inside was a simulator. "as i call rank you all will come forward and try. best out of the group will go agenst me and if they win they'll get to ride in the black lion. any questions" keith asked. "no sir" everyone said. "good now let's get started" keith said.

one by one they failed. keith started to get annoyed. he looked back at shara she was sitting as a group of kids mocked her. he could tell she was trying to ignore them. "let's have a demonstration" keith said and waved for shara to come forward. "shara would you care to do the honours" keith asked. she nodded. she walked passed all the kids and sat down in the ship. she easily passed level one, two, three, four, and five. then as she passed level six everyone stared in shock. "the emo kid pasted level six" a kid said. "this game must be rigged" another said.

"shara have you flown a ship before" keith asked. "yes sir" shara said. keith was confused. "when i didn't know about this" keith thought. "would you like to show us" keith asked pointing to a jet. for the first time she smiled. "i'd love to" she said and got suited up. "come on kids let's go watch in the control room" keith said. they all went into the control room and watched. keith put a radio on. "okay purple lion you are clear for takeoff" keith said.

"alright eagle one i hear you loud and clear" shara said and took off. all the kids stood in amazement. suddenly a gun started to shoot at shara. "eagle i have a galran ship on my sixth and two more on my three and fifth" shara said. "roger purple lion we got you" keith said. suddenly shiro rushed out into the hanger and took off in the black lion.

shiro gave shara cover. they both docked in the hanger. all the kids cheered as shara and shiro got out. they all ran toward shara lifting her up. "yeah shara" they all yelled. keith smiled as he was happy for her. but as he looked at shara he saw a galran man limping and held up a gun. "BEHIND YOU" keith yelled. all the kids turned around and ran. they dropped shara down on the floor.

keith ran toward the shooter and used his weak metal wings to protect shara. it left him unprotected. the gun went off and he was shot in the wings three times. shiro raised his sword and fired at the man. shara hugged keith as gunfire filled the air. keith remembered as he saw her holding onto him as she was so little and just learned to walk. he saw as she was scared.

holt tackled the galran man to the floor and handcuffed him. keith backed off and looked at shara. "are you okay" he asked. she nodded. keith got up and helped shara up. suddenly everyone gasped as they saw her face. she turned pale and put the scarf back on. everyone cheered still. shara was surprised.

they still liked her. shara smiled. 

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