Who I am

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They don't see who I am.
As a person I mean.
They see my surface.
They see the brave, hard and mean side
But do they truly see me?
I mean the real me.
The scared, sad, lost me
The one that hides behind the surface
My reputation means so much
Because if I don't have that strong surface
Then how can I help others?
How can I motivate people?
How can I expect it hers to be strong?
I can't.

Because I lead by example
I'm logical
I'm scared
I'm confused
But I push through
Fake it until you make it
Confidence is key
Everything can fall apart
But as long as you're confident
Then you have the world

I carry the world on my shoulders
But I want to set it down and give my back a break
I can't do that
Who else would carry it when I'm not?
I can't trust anyone to carry it
It's my job and my job only

Don't mock a pain you haven't endured
I've endured many.
But I stay strong.
Because, my best friend, my soul mate stays strong
She's my world
Don't mock pain until you've seen it
She has.
She's strong.
She's brave.
She's smart.
She'll kick your ass.

Sometimes you have to be alone to find out who you really are and what you really want.

I have.
I know what I want.
I know how to get it.
It's who I am.
I am scared
I am weak
I am dumb
But that's what makes me
And smart.

It's just who I am.

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