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I had my phone. I had snatched it about a minute ago, with Dallas following me. He insisted that he'd keep on eye on me just so I won't get 'burned alive'.

Yeah sure. I wonder what it's like in the goddamn twilight zone.

But yeah, so there we were, rushing towards the double doors of the school that led to the outside. Just so we could be with everyone else. Also, if any teachers were to catch us inside at this time, we'd be in trouble.

The alarms had turned off. And I wasn't sure if it was just me, but it was getting awfully hot in this hallway.

My thought of which room was actually on fire was intensified. What if the fire was closer to us than I thought? We just had to get out of here.

Soon, we crossed the hallway corner, and found the double doors that led to the exit. It was like heaven from afar.
"You know, if we somehow get burned alive from all of this, i'm blaming you right?" He glared at me as we paced towards the doors.

"How are you going to blame me when we're both dead?" I creased my eyebrows.

"You'll know either way damn it." He rolled his eyes. I shake my head, "Whatever. If it was really up to it, you'd be the first person to die then."

"Oh me? Really? Says Jasmine my-phone-is-my-priority-even-at-the-brink-of-death Walker." He mocked me. I scoffed, "Oh so you really tryna put it all on me? Says Dallas don't-wanna-have-death-on-my-resume Anderson." I argue.

"Oh you are so...freaking annoying!" He complained. "So i've been told. By a creep. How you gonna come at me when your face is like, 90% eyebrows?" I looked him up and down.

"Oh yeah big ears? You wanna target me when your ears probably weigh more than your whole goddamn head? That's why you're always swaying side to side like an idiot." He grit his teeth. I frown at him, "Just wait. When all of this is over, we're never speaking again."

"Deal!" He shrugged.

"Deal!" I confirm.

We both roll our eyes. The double doors are in our reach now. I push on the silver rod so it could open. I pause, then I push again. Then I shove, using all my arm strength, Then I let my arms fall in hopelessness,
"We're locked in." I mutter.

Dallas clicked his tongue, "Move aside weakling. We're not locked in." He nudged me in the shoulder and I moved aside.

Then he pushes, and push, and push. Nothing. The door wouldn't budge. I put my hands on my hips, "See? Like I said, we're trapped." I say. He frowned and creased his eyebrows, staring at the door, "Who in the hell locks the doors at a fire drill?" He complained again.

"Well they do it so students don't wander inside." I shrug. He look at me, "What if someone was locked inside, don't they take that in consideration?"

"Well yeah but that's only if..." I stood there as I gradually came into another realization.

Dallas stared at me, waiting for me to say what I was thinking. That is, until we heard chatter from behind the door and the intimidating clack of shoe wedges against the school's porch. Me and Dallas wide-eyed each other. "We need to hide." He says. I nod and we both turn and run down the hall. The talking noise getting louder in the distance behind us.

We're running side by side, Dallas a little more eager to find a place to hide. We turn a few corners, making it harder to spot us.

Soon, as we're running, I notice an open locker not too far from me. I immediately come to a halt and approach it, "I found a locker..!" I announce unconsciously. Then I quickly step into the locker and fit myself inside. Okay, there's some space in here, i'll just hide inside.

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