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 "So dad, how was the game?" I asked.

 I stood in the kitchen of my home, opening the fridge for a yogurt. My dad was in the kitchen with me. Along with my mom and Nalia. Both sat on the carpet floor of our living room. Nalia sat on the floor with her back against a wall, sitting next to an outlet so she could charge her phone.

 My mom sat on the floor with her back against the couch, facing and sitting directly in front of our tv.

 The kitchen was right behind the living room. The kitchen didn't have a full wall, but a half wall separating the two rooms. So from the living room, you'd have a full view of the kitchen.

 Also to the right of the living room was the hallway towards the front door. To the left, a four-way hallway to each of our rooms and bathrooms. Oh, and garage.

 It was a small but nice one-story house. We used to live in a house with stairs but my mom had knee trouble so we moved. It was supposed to be a temporary thing but we liked it better here. But that was years ago anyway.

 "I don't know, I mean it was good. I guess. They won." My dad answered my question, making himself a sandwich behind me. He shrugged.

 I asked because usually i'm really into our teams' games but I was so focused on Johnny I didn't witness not one point they scored. 

"I think this game was the most intense out of any other game." Nalia spoke up from the living room.

 "Mhm." My mom hummed in agreement.

 "I don't know- to me honestly they wasn't playing their best really." My dad shook his head as he put mayonnaise on the bread. 

 "I know, they were kinda slacking off a bit." My mom agreed again from the living room as well.

 I cracked my knuckles and stretched out my arms. I'm pretty sure it was about 10 in the morning? We all wake up at the same time for some unknown reason.

 "Nah to be honest I think Anderson really didn't have his head in the game." My dad glanced at my mom from the kitchen.
Upon Dallas's last name, I looked at my dad. He seemed serious about the whole football ordeal.

 All I asked was how the game was.

 "Yeah Anderson seemed distracted. I was like, now what in the world this boy thinking about on the field!" My mom ranted. My dad nodded. I subtly listened in.

 My mom sat up, "I don't know what in the hell he kept looking at in the crowd, but he was most definitely in his own head." She added.

 I stare at the scene. My dad creased his eyebrows, "Yeah I kept noticing that Anderson kept looking in the crowd, I don't know if he was looking for somebody but he just kept looking away from the coach." My dad explained with a hint of complaining.

 Nalia looked up, "It was probably some girl he was looking for." She says.

 I look at Nalia now, who was sticking her nose in a conversation that didn't include her person. 

 Now what does she have to say about Dallas?

 "You think so?" My mom looked at her too. Nalia nodded, "Before he's a football player, he's a high schooler, and before that he's a teenager, and even before that he's a boy. He's obviously dealing with some chick in his grade." 
Nalia rolled her eyes.

 "And how do you know so well?" My dad gave Nalia a suspicious look. He tilt his head slightly and paused all what he was doing.

 Nalia chuckled, "No I just-" She laughed more, "No I just know how the story goes, dad. I'm not dating anyone." She shakes her head. 
"Oh good that's what I thought." My dad got back to his sandwich.

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