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Tossing Ryker my car keys, I get in the passenger seat and wait for him to get in and drive us to the coffee shop. He is the only one I will let drive my baby. 1989 Camaro. I'm not one that wants the new flashy car. I like the classics. Old school. 

Me and Ryker always ride together, no not because we are dating or anything.

We had sex once, that was it. Not because it was bad, no not at all. In fact it was one of my best lays, it was just awkward as hell.

But if I could see Ryker that way, well I make sure I had him tied down.
He is like a sex god. With his bedroom eyes and how they change colors. Turning from his dark blue to steel grey as they fill with desire and lust. And when he looks at you with those bedroom eyes, your panties just melt off. And his voice. Deep and gravelly, where you can feel his words vibrating through your body. Sending tingles and goosebumps all over you and you swear his voice alone could get you off when he whispers in your ear. And his smirk. Ugh his damn smirk, makes you think of all the naughty things you'd do to him. Or let him do to you.

Okay now my hormones are talking because it's been a while since I've gotten laid.

Wait. Nope, Ryker is just that damn sexy. He has to be about what 6'4? Not overly muscular but not lean either. He has medium length brown hair that he styles by running his fingers through it and pushing it back. Only some can pull of it, well he sure as fuck can. Man, the guy is too sexy for his own good. 

Especially when he smiles. You know, when you see those hot guys and they shoot you a smile and it's like your heart stops beating for a second and you stare at them in wonder. Wonder how they hell they are so damn perfect.
Yup. That's Ryker.

Then they open their mouth.
And then your like 'ah there it is' the flaw. Which is the shit that comes out of their mouth. Usually an asshole remark.
Yup. Still Ryker.

But still, it was weird. We didn't know how to act after we had sex. So I just acted like it never happened. Though I will never forget it. And he never let's me.

You know how you have that one friend from childhood or you have known them so long you can not even picture a time that they were not in your life.

That is Ryker. We actually met when I was 6 and he was 7, at the park.

He took my candy. I push his face into the ground and stepped on his back and told him to eat dirt.

Then, aww our friendship blossomed.

No. No, it didn't. I'm totally fucking lying.

We did meet at that age. We didn't become friends till I was 10.

4 years of us fighting. What you thought that was it after the park. Maybe just a run in here and there?

Of course as not.

My mom is too damn social.
Want to guess who she was talking to when we were at the park.

Yup, Rys mom.

You should of seen their faces though when they saw me pushing Rykers face in the dirt yelling 'eat it'.

That was funny as hell. My mom standing there shocked and embarrassed as hell, his mom saying out loud "He probably deserved it!" Telling my mom it's okay and not to worry about.

I loved his mom ever since.

Since then, I was the angel. Even if I'm doing something to Ryker, they would always say "he probably deserved it." And when Ryker would do something back...

"Oh my god! RYKER!! What are you doing?! Leave her alone! She has not done anything wrong! Stop being a rude and grow up!"

Then bam.


Oh yeah, you can believe I did so much shit to piss him off so he would retaliate, which was my plan. As he would always get caught, then he would get grounded.

How are we friends now? Good question.

One day I was just watching a movie on the tv and he walked in with his mom and sat down on the couch with me and then said...

"This movie sucks."

And for once, I agreed with him.

Nothing better than making friends with people that hate the same things you do.

So yeah, that is how I know Ryker and how we became friends for 10 years. With an extra 4 years of hating each other. In total, 14 years with this idiot. Ahh, friendship.

Tell me what you think about Ryker?
Any predictions?
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- Victoria 💋

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