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Looking out the window I notice we are just pulling up to the coffee shop, damn I am in my head to much some times.

Ryker turns off the car after we park and turns his head towards me.

"You didn't hear a word I said did you," Ryker says looking at me with one of his eyebrows raised. Uhh.

"Of course, I did! Wow what kind of friend, best I might add, do you take me as?!"

"Right. Then what was I talking about?"

Oh. Well I should get this right.

"What you have been talking about forever. How your going to break up with... Uh whats-her-name." I say smiling triumphantly and give that look like 'ha! Told you.'

"What? No, I already broke up with her dumbass. I was telling you how I did it," he says shaking his head and smiling at me.

"Oh my g.... Are you becoming a heart breaker too!" I ask him with my eyebrows raised.

I can not raise one eyebrow like him. If I try I look stupid as fuck. I wish I could. You have no idea how many times I sat there in front of a mirror trying. Yet they can do it like nothing. Its not fair. I could use that look so many times!

"No stupid. I was telling her telling that I didn't want to be together anymore, because I already like someone else," he says while rolling his eyes.

Man, someone is rude. Ill have you know I'm pretty damn smart, thank you.

"Oh, do tell, you know I love me some juicy gossip!"

"You'll find out soon," he says smirking a bit.  

"What the fuck was the point of telling me that, if you're not even going to tell the whole thing!"

I hate when people do that. Want to talk about something but leave the best or most important part out. Then it just pisses you off. 

Like "Hey, omg you'll never guess what." "What?" "Oh, don't worry about it. Weathers great huh?" Okay that was a stupid example, but you get what I'm saying.

That is seriously when I want to smack someone. Its like, are you kidding me?!

Rolling my eyes at Ry, we both hop out of the car and he comes around to my side and we lean against the door and I rest my head on his shoulder, more like his upper arm as he is to tall, while we wait for B, Jess, Axel and Luke to come. 

No none of them are dating each other. Though if B doesn't say something to Axel soon then that guy is going to stop trying.

Seriously. How many more hints can he give her. Why the dumbass doesn't ask her out? Who the fuck knows.

Now B and Axel would be so cute together. Just thinking about it makes me smile.

"Why are you smiling?"

"What? Can't smile now?"


"Sorry, don't even know where that came from," I said laughing. I wasn't really paying attention and when that happens I say stupid shit that doesn't make sense, and then shows everyone I was indeed not paying attention to them.

"I was thinking about how cute B and Axel would be together."

"Oh, he is asking her out tonight."

"Shut. The. Fudge. Up!'


"What I have cursed a lot already, trying to cut back. I heard its good for you. Its called maturity."

"You are not that damn mature"

We both laugh at that, as it's true. If I don't curse that much, I don't think anyone would recognize me.

"But seriously?! He is asking her tonight!"

"Yeah, after school, Jess and Luke are going to use the excuse 'can you drop us off'. Then Axel is going to do his thing."

"Wow, about time! Good for him."

See B and Axel would be great together. They actually knew each other longer then me and Ry knew each other.

They both have a bad past. I don't know much about Axel, but the scars on his body can tell a hell of a story. If he wants you to know.

He is a good looking guy. He looks kind of scary, but if you know him, he is nothing as he looks to be. Except for quite. He is pretty quite at times. He is as tall as Ry maybe an inch or so taller but with a bigger body, more muscle. Kind of like a body guard or bouncer. He has short black hair and like really dark brown eyes. You can't even tell if they are brown unless you look closely, as his eyes look so black they blend in with his pupils.

Now B, well that's not my story to tell. Maybe one day, you'll get to find out. But let's just say, I don't know how she does it. I know one hundred percent, I couldn't. Not without breaking down. But I guess that where Axel comes in. But he doesn't even know the full story. I just hope B doesn't push him away. They sure as fuck deserve each other.    

B and Axel what do you think?
Have a guess on B name yet?
Who do you think Ryker likes?

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Heart Breaker for Hire (18+)Where stories live. Discover now