The Alarm

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[Hydra Lab in Queens. Eight Years after Her Capture.]
{Elizabeth's POV}

I sat on my mattress. It doesn't deserve the title 'bed'. I sat cross legged like usual. I just stared at the door.

Like usual.

I wait for my daily torture. I counted the seconds. God I must be going insane.

Finally, after I got to 15 minutes and 27 seconds, my cell door creaks open. Two heavily armed soilders step in followed by him.

The Scientist.

Oh I wish I could end his life.

"Ah ah ah!! None of those thoughts!! You might get caught!"

Ugh I hate that thing sometimes but dam he's right.

I wipe my mind, something I've learned, and stood obediently.

I was only 5' 6" but next to the 4' 3" Scientist I was a giant.

The muzzle on my mouth itched but I didn't dare reach for it. I just looked straight ahead.

"Arm. Now 13HM." The Scientist's German accent soaked his words.

I extended my arm as told.

God I hated having to do as I was told sometimes.

I didn't make a sound as the painful needle peirced my skin. He drew my blood and left with the vial and the two guards.

My arm was left to bleed. I just wiped it off.

"Pain is only weakness leaving the body."

He's right. I turned and went to my bed and sat back in my place. Time to get no sleep and listen to the creaking of the pipes.

But that's when the sirens blared.

[Avengers Tower. New York, New York.]
{3rd POV}

The genius billionaire grunted as a bolt broke off.

Another invention that didn't work.

He just tossed the pile of metal aside.

That's when FRIDAY annouced that Director Fury was in the building.

"Damn it." The man said. He slammed his wrench on the table and stood and walked out of his lab.

He notified the others of the director. They arrived just as he did to see Pirate Fury walk out of the elevators.

Everyone was still in there pjs.

(PS: Bucky is also here :))

Cap was first. He was wearing white pajama pants with blue and red stars and a blue tank top with his signature sheild on it. Nat was wearing black pants and a black baggy t-shirt. Clint's hair was a mess and he was just in a pair of jogger pants and a plain dark navy blue t-shirt. Bruce yawned and was rubbing his eyes when he arrived. He wore a long sleeved green night shirt and some black pants. Last to arrive was Bucky Barnes. He had moved in with the others after the whole Winter Soilder fiasco. He wore a black tank top and some navy blue jeans. And of course to top it off Tony was still in his white, well now grease tank top and jeans looking like sleep hasn't seen him in weeks.

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