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[Roads of Queens]
{Steve's POV}

The super soilder didn't plan to have chasing an assassin teenager through Queens at 3 in the morning. But then again nothing normally goes right.

Steve sighed pressing the com in his ear. "No sign of her in east downtown." The others, minus Clint, came in saying they found nothing.






"Shut up will ya!!! I found her but Im trying to be quiet!!" Clint whispered his response.

"Tony pinpoint Clint's location!!"

[Somewhere in Queens]
{Elizabeth POV}

Ugh!!! This stupid collar!!! I can't get it off no matter what I do!!! I struggled for what seemed like forever and finally gave up. I was about to climb in a tree to hide myself when I noticed something in the tree.

The figure jumped down and held his hands up. Oh it was um....Birdbrains? No um Duckbrains? Duckeye? Oh!! Hawkeye!!

I was about to either attack or run when he spoke. "Wait Elizabeth!!" I froze. How the fuck did he know my name? I just stared at him.

"Listen Elizabeth. We are here to help. We are going to get rid of Hydra. We have someone on the team that used to be controlled by Hydra. We can help you only if you let us." He said.

I hesitated to move. I didn't know how to react. I went to walk forward when pain erupted from my shoulder but not before I heard a gun shot. I tried to scream but no sound came out as I hit the ground. Hawkeye immediately brought out his bow as I tried to see what it was. I looked but saw nothing. Well I did but it was extremely blurry.

'No!! Shit!! No!! Don't black out!! They tourture you for that!!' My brain fought but I couldn't handle the pain and lack of sleep and the blood all at once. Last thing I saw was Hawkeye shooting an arrow.

{Clint POV}

When Clint found the girl he quickly and quietly climbed in a tree to sneak up on her incase he needed to attack stealth mode would be the best way.

He watched the girl for about 10 minutes pull at something on her neck when she stopped and looked up at where he was. Well there goes stealth mode.

Clint decided well better show myself. He jumped down and held up his hands. She was about to run when he spoke. It took him a minute to remember what was on the clipboard outside the empty room at Hydra. He hoped he was right.

"Wait Elizabeth." She froze. Clint internally did a air fist pump. So he got her attention.

"Listen Elizabeth. We are here to help. We are going to get rid of Hydra. We have someone on the team that used to be controlled by Hydra. We can help you only if you let us." He said trying to keep her attention. He could see her hesitation but she moved to go near him when a gunshot fired and she fell to the ground. Clint immediately pulled out his bow and knocked an arrow.

"Ah Hawkeye is it? Well thank you for finding our rat. We need her back." A scientist emerged followed by about 4 men holding rapid fire guns.

"Hydra." Clint growled. "Leave! She is under our care now!!" He said aiming his bow.

"Ah ah! I wouldn't shoot. You see that collar on her? Has a remote. This remote." He wiggled it in his hand as to show off. "This will send off an electric shock strong enough to kill her and you don't want that type of thing on your councious do you?"

Clint hesitated and was about to lower his bow when a blast of light hit the scientist's hand knocking the remote out of his hand. A sheild his one of the 4 men and a two guns hit two other followed by a small electric disk.

The scientist, realising his men were no use, gulped and ran. "I'll be back!!" He yelled.

Stark landed beside Clint and the others ran over. Nat quickly checked for a pulse. "She's alive but not for long. With all the other scars with this gun shot are not good. We have to get her back to Banner." She said.

"How? If you remember correctly, the jet was torn open." Sam sighed.

"I'll call us another." Stark said before their intercoms came on.

"You can't do one mission with out me." Banner's voice came in before a jet came into veiw and landed in an empty parking lot near them.

"Banner showing up at the right times." Stark sighed with a smile. "Well we have a patient for you."

"Who?" Banner asked. "Her." Clint said as he picked up the girl and carried her onto the jet.

"Who-" Bruce was about to ask but cut off by Steve. "We will explain on the way."

Bruce nodded and closed the jet door as it took off heading for the tower.


Im late. I know. I feel like shit rn and so I might not get the one shots updated. Sorry.

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