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[Avengers Tower]
{Elizabeth POV}

I hate that asshole.

Awww. Hate you too.

That thing decided 'Oh hey! There's the traitor! I'm gonna take over your body and kill him! Yay!!'

It's what I do best.

I can hear your smile. Now give me my body back.

How bout no.

And why not?

They said to destroy him. So why not dog?! He is a traitor and if you fail a mission remember what happens?

But I'm not there at the moment so give me my body back.


.......Fine but don't say I didn't warn you.

Thank you but not really.

[Avengers Tower]
{3rd POV}

So maybe going to check on the kid wasn't one of Bucky's brightest plans. Now him and Clint were running around the tower trying not to get killed. Sam and Steve were out on a mission, Tony was in his lab blaring AC/DC, aka no help, and Bruce was well no one knew.

"So basically one of the experiments they did made a thing in her mind that can gain control of her? Is that what that shadow was at the Hydra base?" Clint asked.

Bucky nodded though he internally cringed at the mention of the base. "So basically I have no idea what to do about-ahhh!" He was interupted by the said teenage assassin rolled into his legs knocking him down.

She groaned slightly and her hetercromina eyes blinked slowly back to normal.

Bucky groaned as he sat up. He looked over at her before backing up. He didn't want to end up attacked again.

She looked around and spotted Clint then the super soilder. Then she did something that shocked Bucky. She scooted away from him and cowered like she was about to be hit.

He frowned and looked over at Clint who returned the frown. "Elizabeth," Clint started. "Are you okay? What happened."

The small teenager shook barely before raising her head slightly. Her heterocromia eyes studied Clint then Bucky then back to Clint. Her hands started moving in sign and when she was done Clint sighed.

He turned to the super soilder and looked at him. "There is sort of like something in her mind that she calls "thing" that will take over her body sometimes but most of the time she controls what it does. And she confirmed that the "thing" will appear visible as the figure we saw at that base." Clint concluded.

Bucky studied the small teenager who seemed to have a glare set in her green eye but a scared look set in her blue eye. "Look kid-" She growled lowly at the usage of the word "kid." "You don't have to listen to that thing anymore. It's safe here. Trust me. I went through what you did."

She seemed to glare more and looked like she was about to sign something when a tall blonde male turned down the hallway the three were spread out in.

He paused before looking at Bucky. "Buck what is happening? And why is Elizabeth not resting?" Steve said crossing his arms.

Elizabeth jumped at her name and the new comer. She looked like she was about to attack so Bucky spoke quickly. "Steve. Chill. We were chilling out here for a calming non-lab setting area." He said though he could tell out of the corner of his eye that the girl flinched slightly at the mention of a lab.

Steve looked to the girl. Elizabeth gave him the murderous look and he didn't seem to question it. Hm. Bucky would have to remember Steve is scared of the girl.

"So I take it the mission went well?" Bucky asked trying to not keep the topic on Elizabeth. "Yeah." Steve sighed. "It was a simple in and out. Not much." Bucky nodded. "Well I have to go find Tony. Sam's suit needs some adjustments." With that Steve left.

When the blonde was out of hearing range, Bucky looked back at the girl who gave him a confused look. She signed and Bucky turned to Clint. "She asked why did you say that and not the truth?" Clint said summing it up for the super soilder.

Bucky let out a sigh. "Because you just woke up in a place you don't know so you don't need extra supervision." He said.

Elizabeth studied him before finally standing up. She looked at him and Clint. She took her hand and brought it to her chin then out. Clint nodded. "Your welcome Elizabeth." He said.

So that's sign for thank you? Bucky thought. He'd have to keep that in mind. Bucky sighed as he stood along with Clint. He looked to Elizabeth who was shyly standing there.

Bucky gave a soft smile. "You hungry?"

[Avengers Tower]
{Elizabeth POV}

Wow. So whatever food this is is good.


Not good.


That cult never gave me food like this. Well I don't remember the last time I actually had food. Maybe like 4 years? They just gave me injections with the proteins I needed.

Oh shit wait.

How do you eat food again?


Ah another chapter. I feel horrible atm so it might not be the greatest.

Well hope y'all like this garbage.


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