Part 3

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Amy Pov.

I'm back again, hearing noises, sounded more like many voices are surrounding me. I opened my eyes seeing brightness everywhere. The sky blue with fluffy clouds. I saw tall trees, very tall. Am I in a mountain or something?
"Are you Alright?" a Voice said,  it sounded more like a female voice.
I looked to my right and saw a girl. She had orange hair, she had bandages wrapped in one of her quills. I looked around and saw more girls. They were looking at me a bit mad. I replied
"W-Where am I..?"
Then the Orange haired girl said
"You're in a house your in our Village, We found you in the woods laying on the floor."
"Why are you telling her where she is?!" another girl said. It was a hedgehog. She had blond hair, she looked at me angrily.
"We don't know her! She could be one of them!" she whispered.
The Orange one replied
"She doesn't look like them- look at her she's a hedgehog! Like one of us!"
"Are you two done whispering in front of me now? " I spoke up.
"S-Sorry, " the Orange one said.
"I'm Tikal-" "And now you're introducing yourself to someone you don't know and could be dangerous." the blond one interrupted.
"And that's Jayssa" Tikal continued.
"Do you have any idea how mad Rouge is gonna be to you?" Jayssa shouted.
"Whos Rouge?" I questioned. I noticed that I was laying in a bed so I sat up.
Tikal responded "She's an advisor and helper to our leader Wave"
"You guys have a leader?"
She giggled and said "Just girls."
Then out of nowhere a door busted open. Two other girls came in. One was a purple cat and the other was a Chipmunk. The Chipmunk said, "How is she?"
"Oh great only Tikal over here is telling information the is private to a stranger who we didn't know is she's one of them," Jayssa replied while putting her arms crossed.
"Really her?" The purple one said.
"Can anyone tell me what's going on?" I shouted.
"Oh boy we've got a lot to talk about sweety." said the Chipmunk.

         To be continued.

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