Part 4

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Amy Pov.

We all went outside where there was a lot of girls walking around with weapons, food, & bags. Why do they have all that? We sat on a couch that was in the front building, curved in a circle. The Chipmunk and Jayssa sat in front of me while Tikal and Blaze sat next to me.
"So where exactly am I?" I questioned.
"You're in the middle of a forest, a dangerous forest. Some people have died exploring in the woods. Some were near to death. And this Village is a spot where it protects us from 101."
"What is 101?"
Jayssa replied "Let's just say that their robots, not just mean robots, they're deadly. They cause explosions, fire, and sometimes destroy our places."
"Destroy us also.." she continued.
"So don't get too comfortable because your gonna be facing real nice blood everywhere."
So all this time, I'm surrounded by the deadliest place of all.
"Yet we're still not sure where exactly we are, or how we got here. We can't remember anything." The cat said.
"Almost every two months we get a new person, and now it's you," Tikal replied.
"W-Why do we live in such a horrible place then?..." I said
"Not sure sweety... Say we didn't meet each other right, I'm Sally" The Chipmunk said. Then she continued, "The purple one is Blaze." "And that's -" Sally points to Jayssa and she says "she knows."
"So what's your name?" Blaze asked.
"M-My name is Amy Rose..." then all of them looked at each other confused while looking at me back.
"W-What?" I said.
"God-" Sally said then Tikal interrupted, "I'll get Rouge !" then she walked away.
What are they talking about? And why are they bringing Rouge?... What did I do?

        The End.

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