Chapter One

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(This is Sherwins perspective. Most of it will be that way; maybe even all of it, I dunno :D)
(Okay but the meme above had me dying for 10 damn minutes 😆👌)

Word Count: 780 words

(1st period)
"Alright, next up is...Sherwin!" I heard the teacher call my name; my face began to feel hot. I looked up for the paper I was doodling on, and looked straight at the teacher. It was the beginning of 8th grade, and I was absolutely horrified.  You know how in the beginning of the year, you have to introduce yourself to the whole class and make a fool of yourself? get the idea.  I looked at the teacher, her eyes staring into mine with a reassuring smile. I guess she could tell I was nervous, and wanted to help me out, but honestly, it didn't really help. "Stand up and introduce yourself, please!" She replied.

I guess I got so caught up in my doodling that I didn't notice we were introducing ourselves. Yeah, I'm one of those kids that dose off in class, and honestly have no idea what to do with themselves. So I doodle, and of course, I knew it would leave me some sort of consequence. I began to feel shaky; my knees going weak as I began to stand up. I looked back at the teacher, and I could clearly see that she was waiting for me to say something. At this point, there really wasn't going back, and I didn't really have a choice either.
I just looked at everyone. Among everyone, all their eyes resting upon me. At this point, I had to say something. I looked down towards the floor a bit while I was speaking, so I didn't have to focus on the kids staring at me while I spoke; it helped out a little, actually. "M-my name is Sherwin, and I uh...". Everything was going well, until I looked up.


I knew my face must've been as red as a tomato by now; my voice was shaky, and I began to feel my eyes water. I looked back at the teacher, and I could tell she was growing  impatient. I continued, but in a much lower, raspy tone. "...I'm n-new to this school and uhm, that's it I guess." As soon those words escaped from my mouth, I sat down, put my head on my desk, and covered my face with my arms. Before I put my head down, I could tell the teacher wasn't satisfied, but luckily she let me slip through, and onto the next person.

The bell rang, and I began to pick up my things. I darted out of the room and towards my locker, which was just around the corner. I opened my locker and began to take out the notebooks I needed for my next class, and began organizing myself. As I turned around to walk, of course, my clumsy-ass self bumped into another person, sending both of us to the ground. I let out a small grunt, and began picking up my things, not really paying much attention to the other person that I just rammed into. As I finally pulled myself together, I stood up. "Sorry...". I looked up, seeing a girl. She seemed to be in the same grade as me from what it seemed. She had gorgeous brown hair, tan skin, and hazel eyes. She stood up and looked at me, smiling. "Hey, don't worry about it! Besides, Its gonna happen in the year eventually, right?" I let out a small laugh. She seemed like a cool person. 

"Anyway, I'm Diana, It's nice to meet you! And you are?" She stood in front of me, waiting expectantly for me to say something. "Hm? Oh, I'm Sherwin." I replied, stuttering a bit. She raised an eyebrow at me, and smiled. "Haha, you don't have to be so nervous y'know? It'd be nice to have a friend!" Woah, okay, this was escalating, and fast. Maybe a little too fast. I gave her a nervous smile, and looked down. "Hah...sorry, just kinda new around here. I wouldn't expect you to be so nice-"
"Oh please, I'm only doing what any person would do,right"?

"Well, that depends, but from what you describe, the people here sound reassuring."

She smiled again.
"Well, gotta go. See ya later, Sherben!"
I rolled my eyes a bit.
"Oh, whatever!"
She walked past me, letting out a small giggle, which echoed throughout the empty hallway. I smiled a tiny bit, until I heard the bell ring.


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