Chapter Seven

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(Jonathan's Point of View)

Word Count: 1445 words

While walking to lunch with the new kid, it felt...somewhat awkward? I don't really know; It's hard to express in words in some weird way. I asked him a couple questions about while he was late, and what he might've been doing, but he just mumbled out words I could barely understand. While sticking my hands into my pockets, I began to notice him twiddling his thumbs and clenching the bottom of his shirt. Hell, just seeing him uncomfortable made me uncomfortable. About halfway there, I soon began to notice a small blush blossoming on his face. It made me internally die. He was just so cute! For some weird reason, my face began to feel warm. Hesitantly, I just looked away from him, and continued walking forward. We didn't really talk much after that.
A few feet away from the entrance to the cafeteria, I saw Diana frantically waving her arms in the air, constantly yelling "OVER HERE!!!" Kids began giving her weird looks here and there. Well hey, I can see why. I just love the fact that she has a large tendency to make a fool out of herself in front of everyone, but hey, I'm just happy I wasn't born with that quality. Sherwin shyly waved back as I saw her running towards us with her ponytail flaying into the wind. She approached us with a warm hug, and led us (mainly Sherwin, being that he was new here) to the front doors, pushing past the hundreds of kids blocking the entrance.
We walked into the cafeteria, and tried to find a spot where we could find ourselves a seat. Diana, Sherwin, and I glided our eyes across the room, trying to find an empty table. I guess the back corner table caught Diana's eye, being she technically dragged Sherwin towards it. I just followed them, letting out a small giggle.
We sat down and began talking to each other, waiting to get our lunch. (The teachers call the tables separately to get our food.)

"So what's going on, Jonny? Haven't seen you sitting with me since 400 B.C." Diana said.
"Surprised you haven't grown gray hair yet," she giggled.
"Oh, shut up. You could've gladly sat with me and my group a long time ago", I replied with a salty tone.
"Oh please, those jerks? I'd rather sit with a pack of savage raccoons."
"How about I give you a test then?"
"Why don't you go ahead and try me?"
"Sherwin, what do you think we should do?",
He giggled. Good lord, his giggles were adorable. It was as soft as a blanket, and as sweet as nectar. Just thinking about it gave me goosebumps.
He began to speak. "I'm-"
Sherwin just suddenly stopped in his tracks, he put a hand onto his chest, and his eyebrows were narrowed into a more worried expression. I raised an eyebrow at him.
Out of nowhere, a large gasp erupted from his mouth. He began hyperventilating; Sherwin's chest quickly lifting up and down. His eyes were wide open and terrified; his fingers running through his hair, his fingers ripping away small threads that ran along the front of his head.
I just stared at him for a couple of seconds, confused and worried; Diana was doing the same.
I shook myself out of it, and put my hand on his shoulder.
"Woah, woah, slow down...are you okay?"
He didn't respond.
I turned my head back to Diana. Panicking, I asked, "What the hell is going on?"
Her eyes widened even more. She hesitantly replied, "I-I don't know! I've never seen this happen to him before..."
Turning back to him, tears were pouring down his face.
Unknowing of what to do, I wrapped my arms around his chest, hugging him.
"Just's going to be okay."
Sherwin didn't look at me, but just said the words, "No, please...Not this again..."
I was ridiculously confused, but I just held him closer. In surprise, his arms then, quickly and tightly wrapped around me, his head resting onto my chest. His body was quivering and shaking, but hell, I couldn't tell if it was from him being cold or scared. At this point, it might as well be both.
"Shh, shh, It's okay, you're okay..." I replied, softly.
He continued to cry, and breathe at a quick pace.
The only thing I could feel was his heart pounding out of his chest, his hot tears dripping onto my shirt, and pure sorrow. It felt like knives plunging into me with every tear flowing from his eyes. Even though I just met him, it feels like we've known each other for years. I just...I don't know. I mean, I felt bad for any kid that was upset, but this just feels...different. Very different.
Diana just peeping over my shoulder, just watched him to make sure he was okay.

After about 10 minutes, his breathing went back to normal. I let out an exhale of relief, Diana doing the same. I never let go of him, just as much as he never let go of me. It felt nice, actually.
I didn't want to startle Sherwin or anything, so I just whispered to him.
"You okay...?"
He sighed, and let his arms free from me, as I did the same. He wiped his eyes with his arm.

"...Do I look like a zombie or what?"

Me and Diana let out a small laugh. I looked down, and noticed that Sherwin and I were holding a hand. I didn't really notice until now. Sherwin quickly lifted his hand off of mine, and began to blush. He awkwardly stared at the ground, sniffing a bit.
I just smiled.
"We should probably get lunch," Diana said. "We gotta leave soon."
I just shrugged. "You can go get some," I replied. "I can wait till we get home. I'm not hungry."
My sister raised an eyebrow, smirking at me. "Okay theeeeeeeeeennn~"
With those strange words, she left.

What a weirdo...

♡~○Time Skip○~♡
After my last class, I ran to my locker, gathering my notebooks, putting them into my backpack. Throwing one strap onto my shoulder, I walked out of the hallway to the front doors of the school, waiting for Diana to come out as well.
After about 3 minutes, Diana broke through the doors (and the kids) and approached me.
"Hello, Welcome to Pizza Hut, would you like pick-up or delivery?" She said, imitating my voice.
I punched her arm.
While walking forward with my sister, I caught something familiar in the corner of my eye. Turning my head, I saw Sherwin typing something on his phone, leaning his back against a tree.
"Hey Dia, gimme a sec..."
I walked over towards him, and tapped his shoulder. He looked up towards me, his eyes widened a bit.
"What're you doing here?" He asked. It sounded like in some weird way, he didn't expect me here.
"Oh! Uh, I was wondering if maybe you would like to come over my place sometime this weekend? I mean, my parents are never home, so you came come over whenever you want, pretty much."
He raised an eyebrow, and smiled, he seemed pretty taken aback from what I said.
"Didn't we meet, like, yesterday?"
He laughed.
"Yeah, scary isn't it?" I replied in a sarcastic tone.
He laughed a sweet laugh, and then replied with, "Sure. I'd love to come over."
I smiled brightly, and pulled out a small ripped piece of paper I tore from the last page of my math notebook.
"Here's my address, I guess. Hopefully, I'll see you soon."
As he tried to take the ripped piece of paper, our fingertips touched one another. We looked up at each other, and Sherwin just nervously pulled his hand away will the paper in it.
He blushed a deep shade of red.
"It was.."
He paused for a moment.
"...It was nice to see you again, Jon."
I put my hands into my pockets, letting out an airy giggle.
"Same here," I replied.
"...See you later, Sherwin."

I walked back to Diana, feeling as light as a feather. I felt happy. For once in my life, I felt happy. Happier than I have ever been in my entire life.
As I continued walking with Diana, I heard her say a sentence so quick, that I couldn't make out what she was saying.
I turned my head towards her with a confused facial expression.
"Oh uh, nothing."

 The Definition Of Perfect (Sherwin x Jonathan/ In a Heartbeat)Where stories live. Discover now