Chapter Six

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("I'll update soon, I promise". Lmao
I t s b e e n a w e e k. I'm sorry about that, but midterms are coming up and hhhhhh. But since you guys love this thing so much, here you go I guess. >w<)
Word count: 1568 words

(Sherwins Point of View)

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock, beeping constantly. The loud beeping rang throughout my ears, making me grunt and whine. I fluttered my eyes open.
I reached out to my alarm clock, trying to press the snooze button to get it to stop. After struggling a bit to reach it, I was able to press the button, and the loud beeping of the alarm clock ended, leaving me in silence. Jesus, that thing is annoying.
I untangled myself from my bedsheets, groggily sitting up in my bed. My eyes felt really heavy. Sweet lord, if I closed them, I would probably never wake up again.
Everything looked blurry. I was still pretty sleepy and couldn't really make out anything in front of me. I wiped my eyes and everything became a bit less clouded. I grabbed the alarm clock from in front of me, held it close to my face so I could make out the numbers. I narrowed my eyes. Finally, I could tell what the numbers were.
I probably punched in the wrong numbers, and the clock woke me up late. Then again, I do have a time for when I wake up late, too. Most likely I overslept again. It's only the fifth day of school, and I just had to be late today? Well jeez, sure seems like it. Well no matter what, I'm still going to be late. Maybe I could stay for a while as long as it doesn't get too late. Besides, it is a Friday. I lowered myself off of the bed, feeling something sharp poke the bottom of my foot.
I lifted my leg off of the carpet floor back onto the bed. I rested my foot on my other leg, and took a look at what happened. A small speck of blood appeared, and soon enough began to drip down my foot, which landed onto the sheet of my bed. I just wiped the drop of blood away, and looked down at the floor. As expected, a broken glass bottle was lying there, with small crushed up pieces of glass surrounding it. It made my insides quiver. I hope nobody got hurt.

Avoiding the glass bottle, I walked over to my wardrobe, and pulled out my school uniform. The sweater was blue with the small school logo on it, and the pants were a gray-like color. I walked out into the hall, down the stairs. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge to grab some breakfast. Pretty much everything was alcohol and liquor. I'm honestly surprised the guy isn't dead yet. "I can skip breakfast for one day", I thought. Closing the fridge, I turned around, and a smile fought Its way to my face.

There she was.

There was my mother, sleeping on the couch, hugging herself tightly. It was good to see her finally getting some sleep. My smile slowly faded as I saw her worn out facial expression. I could tell she was exhausted. Her face, even when she's sleeping never loses Its gloom. She's been suffering from depression for many years now, and it's been so much worse ever since my real Dad left her. I don't know what it was about, but whenever I try to ask her, she ends up breaking down, or crying.
She began working as a waitress for a small restaurant a couple miles from our house, and she met Bill a little while afterwards. He was nice for a couple of months, actually. But something happened. A light just went off in him. He began smoking, going out with his friends, drinking, and then he began hitting me. He began hitting her. He stripped of her happiness, her beauty, and her clothes. I don't care if there is good in him, but he destroyed her. She's 3/5ths suicidal, and has been messing her up for the past 6 years. I've tried everything to stop him, and at this point, there's really nothing left to do. Only to pray that she'll stay alive.
I approached her, getting down onto my knees. I stroked her face softly, and she slowly opened her eyes. I smiled, and she gave a weak smile back. She looked like me, but her hair is more ruffled, and her eyes are more hazel than they are of a brown. I softly whispered to her.
"Hey mom", I whispered.
She weakly reached out her arm, and stroked my clean cheek softly.
"...What did he do this time", she croaked.
She was looking at the cheeck that had been cut yesterday by my Dad's blade.
"It's just a small scratch. Nothing horrible."
I then saw my mothers eyes grow wet with tears.
"Sherwin...I-I'm so sorry", she silently sobbed.
I felt a pit in my stomach. Seeing her cry was the most hurtful thing I've ever seen. Even the saddest thing on the planet couldn't hurt as much as seeing her cry. All it takes is one tear, and I'm done for.
I wiped away the tears that quickly ran down her face.
"No, no mom, please don't cry".
"Honey...I-I'll get us out...I promise...I'll do anything".
"I know..."
I squeezed her hand gently.
"...I know"
After wiping her tears away for a bit, she stopped crying. I felt relieved.
I looked around me.
"...Where's Bill?", I asked.
"He went out with his you go to school. He should be coming back soon".
I really wanted to stay home. I barely ever got to see my mother. But then again, Diana is waiting for me at school; the last thing I need is for her to get worried. Whatever, I'll just grab my bag and-
What the hell am I saying???
"No. You aren't safe here".
"Hah...he can't do anything to me even if he wanted to. I'm too weak to even stand up."
"Mom, I'm not leaving until I know your sa-"
I feel a hand slip into mine in reassurance.
She looked at me with her intimidating eyes, and I knew she was serious just by looking at them.
I felt a sign of worry, but also a sign telling me she would be okay. At this point, I didn't trust either. I took in a deep breath.
"Okay. But just promise me you won't get hurt".
She gave me a warm smile, the one that I haven't seen in years. The one that made me feel like all my worries would disappear into thin air. She rubbed my hand softly.
"I promise".
I smiled.
"Okay then".
I stood up, letting go of her warm hand. Before I knew it, she was back asleep. I packed my bag, and opened the door. Of course the bus wasn't here, so I guess I have to walk. It isn't that bad anyway. I looked back at my mother, whose eyes were closed and was no longer hugging herself.
It made me feel happy to see she felt just a little bit better.
"Bye mom. I promise, I'll be back soon".

After about 20 minutes, I reached the school. I entered the doors, put the stuff I didn't need in my locker, and began walking towards the office to get a late pass.
After that, I made my way to the 800's hallway to my math class. I looked back at my schedule.

Room 812. Kristina Tom.

I knocked on the door, and another student let me in. My math teacher, Mrs. Tom, watched me as I walked in. Everyone was staring at me. I hated that. I sat down in my seat. "Late pass, please?" She asked. Letting out a small, annoyed sigh, stood up and gave it to her. I sat back down, my head resting on the desk.
"Thank you, Sherwin. We are just reviewing some of the math we learned last year. At the moment, we are reviewing how to plot points on a graph. Sherwin, would you like to-"
Just before she could call me up, the bell interrupted her, indicating lunch has started.
Thank god.
"...Have a good break!" She called out.
Walking out the door, I heard someone familiar call out:
"Hey redhead! Over here!"
I turned around to meet those ocean eyes of the boy I met yesterday. Damnit, I'm blushing again.
"Hey, remember me from yesterday? It's Sherwin, right?"
I was at a loss for words. He was in the same class as me, and I just found out NOW?! I just quickly nodded my head as a response. He began walking next to me. Dude, I can't even breathe at this point.
"So, I was wondering, since my friend Sunny isn't here today, do you mind if I sit with you and my sister? It'd be nice to get to know you a little better."
I mean, I can't say no. The hottest kid in probably the entire school is asking to sit with you. I studdered.
"S-sure! I-I guess!"

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