to my best friend i will never meet

you have been my longest internet friend
for nearly five years
you got me through it all
i almost lost you a couple years back
it was the biggest scare for us
i hope you pursue your dreams
i hope you don't hate yourself in a few years when you finally get what you desire
you deserve the best
i am not the best for you
i'm sure you found someone you can talk to face to face 
someone you love
it was only a matter of time before i lost you for good
i'm sorry
i only ask one thing of you
please don't forget me
don't forget the girl who was there for you to cry to at 2am and to laugh at 2pm
don't forget our jokes and our platonic love and above all
don't forget my name
i already miss you
goodbye, old friend


the poetry i write at 3am Where stories live. Discover now