Sunflower Pt. 2

142 5 6

Date Started: 12.31.18
Date Finished: 1.3.19
Summary: Inspired from the Netflix original movie, Sierra Burgess Is A Loser.


From Harry:
"Call you later? I can't wait to see you soon xx"

I've been staring at this text message for the whole entire day now and I'm surprised no teacher has even bothered to comment about it

What am I supposed to do now?

Harry will notice that my voice is obviously different from Victoria's and.... He wants to see me?! Like, actually see me?!?!

Oh come on, he obviously wants to see Victoria but what if I just finally reveal it to him? We've been talking for three and a half weeks now and I can't help but feel a certain unfamiliar feeling for Harry.

Those were all my words. What if I just show up and tell him that it was me all along? Would he still like me? Cause I'm pretty sure that I like him.. a lot.

"Uhh, Miss Grande?" I hear Mr. Blythe's loud voice, making me immediately snap out of my thoughts.

"Yes, sir?" I ask him with my eyebrows raised and a nervous smile on my face.

"Class has already ended fifteen minutes ago and you're still sitting over there staring at your phone" Mr. Blythe chuckles as he informs me about the time.

I look around the classroom and it was indeed empty. Oh god. This is so embarrassing.

"Oh I'm so sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Blythe. I promise you that it won't happen again." I gave him a small awkward smile before I quickly left the room, not wanting to stay in that room much longer.


"Kevin! What am I supposed to do?! He's going to call me later or worse! He might call me for a facetime or something." I bite my nails as I paced around the empty hallway.

It was silent since everyone is at the cafeteria and Kevin was too busy reading Harry's last text message to me.

"Then let him call. Just don't let him face time you. We haven't figured out a plan yet to actually make this work for the both of you so just make up an excuse for him not to facetime you and just call you and if he asks you about how your voice sounds different, just say that you have a cold that makes your voice sound funny" Kevin tells me all what I need to do while I nod, listening intently to every word he says.

"Damn Grande, I never knew you to be such a slut" Our eyes land on the familiar voice owned by a very particular evil person.

"Why don't you try looking at a mirror then?" Kevin steps forward as he defends me probably about to tackle the bitch down.

"Well atleast I'm not a person who's behind catfishing" Victoria retorts. Kevin opens his mouth to fire back but I immediately stop him, placing my hand on his shoulder.

"I don't understand why you even let a gay person fight your battles for you. I mean, last time I remember back when we used to be best of friends you speak right?" Victoria crosses her arms over her chest as she leaned on her right leg with one of her eyebrows raised at me.

"Yeah, I remember how you used to be a huge piece of shit back then.... oh wait" Kevin snorts out loud at my response while I give Victoria a sarcastic smile.

Victoria's mouth open and close a few times, making her look like a fish as she tries to think of a comeback.

"I remember how you used to dream about becoming a huge singer and performer but your father refused because he knew and even told you how awful your voice sounds" I smirk as Victoria's jaw drops.

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