A New Beginning

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Date Started: 6.18.18
Date Finished: 8.23.18
Summary: In which Harry and Ariana officially become parents.

Note: I wrote this imagine in 2014/2015 on Tumblr but decided to delete it due to multiple grammatical errors and several mispelled words.


"You can do this, baby. Just breathe in, breathe out. Rela-" I immediately cut Harry off as he tries to do breathing exercises with me, which were obviously not working.

"Shut the fuck up, Harry!" I yelled, my eyes narrowed at him.

"Just a few more, Mrs. Styles. You're already crowning. We can see the baby's head." The doctor instructs me while Harry decided to take a short peek on what's going on down below.

"Harry! What the fuck are you doing?! Stay here and fucking hold my hand, you dipshit!" I immediately grabbed his wrist before he goes any farther.

"Okay, I will. Just stay cal-" I cut him off again, my face probably red from all the screaming.

"You did this to me!" I yelled as I gave him a death glare.

With one last cry out of pain from me, the room was immediately filled with loud cries.

"It's a girl!" The doctor happily exclaims and I smiled so wide as my eyes quickly filled with tears of joy.

I look over to Harry and see him wiping away his own tears using his black shirt as he adoringly smiled at our little bundle of joy.

"Oh it seems to me, another baby is ready to be born" The doctor beamed at us and we both turn to look at each other with pure shock and surprise written all over our faces.

"We're having twins?!" We ask in unison. This is definitely a surprise.

"Ready, Mrs. Styles?" The doctor asks me and I hesitantly nodded, no longer wanting to go through that extreme pain again in just a day.

With a tight grip on Harry's hand and my free hand fisting the sheets, I screamed out my entire lungs once again.


"Hey, Ari. Are you feeling alright, love?" My eyes adjust to the bright lighting in the hospital room as I open my eyes, waking up from a deep slumber. Giving birth was definitely a workout. But giving birth to twins? Well..

My eyes land on Harry who stood at the door with our fraternal twins in tow. "Look who's here too" He cheekily smiled at me and I try to give one back but ended up giving him a tired one.

"Oi, we're here too you know!" I hear Louis' familiar voice as he enters the room with Eleanor behind him. Liam and Cheryl soon followed after.

"How are you doing, love?" Liam asks before his eyes land on the little munchkins in Harry's arms that were now making soft noises.

"Oh, it seems our gifts are one baby short" Eleanor jokes as they all turn their attention on the twins.

"No, it's okay. We weren't expecting twins either" I softly giggled as I glanced at Harry with a playful hint in my eyes.

He smirks at me in response before Louis cuts him off who spoke again with huge enthusiasm in his voice.

"You did it, Harold! You've worked hard for these!" He exclaims referring to the twins as he pats Harry on his back in which he earns a slap at the back of his head from Eleanor.

"I can feel a playdate coming soon!" Cheryl squeals as she did a little dance.

"Hey Ariana, where should I put all these?" Liam asks me as he raises six large paperbags filled with baby toys and gifts.

"Just put it on top of the long tab-" I was cut off by the door opening.

"Surprise!!" Niall exclaims as he enters the room with bags of take out from Nando's and bears in tow and a dozen balloons on the other hand.

I giggled, "You didn't have to.. make an effort, Niall" I beamed at him.

"Surprisingly, Niall's more extra than Harry today" Liam loudly observes, making Harry give him a mixture of a surprised and an amused look before rolling his eyes.

"Ariana, darling, would you mind holding our babies while I show Payno here who's really extra" Harry gently hands me the twins before playfully facing Liam with a death glare, popping his knuckles.

The door opens and we all turn our attention on it again. It was the doctor with a nurse following closely behind.

"It's time for the naming of the babies" The doctor announces as the nurse prepares to write on her clipboard.

"We should give them some time alone" Cheryl speaks up as she lightly pushes both Liam and Niall who was still carrying everything, out the door.

"You better name the boy Louis or the girl Louisiana, Harold or I'll scrape off all of your tattoos with my nails" Louis gives Harry a warning look.

"Okay, that's enough of that. We'll see you guys later" It was now Eleanor's turn to push Louis out the door.

"So, now with the names" I say, looking down on my two little bundle of joy.

"Okay, for the girl?" The nurse clicks her pen open, ready to write our daughter's name.

I turn to look at Harry, knowing exactly what he wants to name our daughter. Our eyes meet and he gives me a look of permission. I nod my head at him as I smile at the memory of us picking different names from the Internet and in baby books.

"Darcy Anne Grande-Styles" I adore the sound of Harry's British accent as he says our baby daughter's name out loud.

"And for the boy?" The nurse glances up to look at us from her clipboard.

I smiled at Harry as he knowingly returned one back, carefully handing our baby boy to me. Knowing the exact reason why and what name I would name our son.

"Hunter James Grande-Styles" I said as I looked down on my little bundle of joy in my arms.

"Now you better get more rest and you'll be discharged the next day after tomorrow" I nod as I listen to the doctor's instructions.

"We'll be back for them later on" The doctor gives us a warm smile before turning her heel around to leave the room, the nurse tagging along with her.

"I can't believe that we're actually parents now" I say to Harry once the door closes.

"I still can't even move on from what I saw two hours ago" Harry jokes and I playfully smack his arm.

"I love them and you so fucking much" I whispered to Harry as I smile with tears of joy running down my cheeks.

"I love you, you and you" Harry whispers back as he kisses me on the lips and gives both Darcy and Hunter a soft kiss on the cheek.

It was then that I knew it was an end of a chapter for both me and Harry. For the both of us and our new born twins, it was a new beginning.


I'm legit so sorry for taking too long to update. I swear I had this already saved in the drafts but writer's block is one hell of a bitch and I'm just so busy with all these school work going on. Anyways, I'm back and runnin' !! Hopefully I could fully get back on track and start updating again because THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 2K READS ON "SCRIBBLES" I LOVE YOU GUYS SO FUCKING MUCH AND I WISH I COULD KISS EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU I REALLY DO BECAUSE DAMN I'M SO GRATEFUL AND HAPPY Y'ALL DON'T EVEN KNOW JSKSJSKSJSKSJS

I'm not going to make any promises with you guys but I will do try my very absolute best to update new imagines and new chapters on my other stories :) See you and talk to you guys on the next imagine !!

All the love xx
Cath. x

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