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*Jack Pov*

After what seemed like forever, we were finally dismissed for lunch. I began walking towards the band room, and I noticed Alex in my peripheral vision, trailing along behind me. I slowed my pace to allow him to catch up, but he slowed his as well. Was he trying to keep his distance? Maybe he was checking out my ass? Why do I care? I've known him for all of 3 hours. Yeah, he's hot, but who cares? For one, he's probably straight, and two, I don't even know him that well. I can't possibly have a thing for him already. I'm not going to fall for him. I'm not going down that road again. Nope. Not gonna happen. By the time I got done arguing with myself, I had reached the band room. Everyone was digging out their lunches and heading towards wherever they were eating. My friends and I normally eat in the small 'cafe' just to the left of the music wing. I put my bag in my locker and turned to find Alex. It wasn't too hard to find him considering when I turned around, he was already standing there. I didn't see him, and I ran right into him.

"Oh, hey, I'm sorry, I didn't know you were behind me." I apologized, feeling my face heat up.

"It's ok. S-sorry." he stuttered, glancing down to hide under his fringe.

"Did you bring a lunch?" I asked, trying to forget about what just happened. I began leading the way to the cafe. He shook his head.

"Ok, you can have some pizza, if you want" I suggested.

"I don't want t-to take your f-food. I'll be f-fine."

"No, really it's fine. We never finish it all anyway."

We arrived to the cafe, and everyone else was already seated at our usual tables. The booth side of the table where I normally sat was empty. I took my seat and gestured for Alex to join me. Tay sat in the chair opposite of me, and the others were seated at the table next to us.

*Alex Pov*

We sat down and everyone fell silent. I glanced up to find that they were all staring at me. Well, all but Tay. She was unpacking her lunch. Jack must've sensed my uneasiness, because he quickly spoke up.

"Guys, this is Alex. He's a junior, has a great music taste, and he's not a zoo animal, so you can stop staring at him." Jack stated with a smirk. They all quickly looked away.

Jack went around the table and introduced all of his friends to me. So far, I've gathered the following:

- Tay is like Jack's over protective older sister, she's in a band, and she sings.

- Rian and Jack became friends in 9th grade because of music. Rian plays drums, and people say he looks like a potato.

- Zack loves ketchup, he works out, he plays bass guitar, and he sings a little. Honestly, he looks like he could break me with one hand.

- Matt has an obsession with Mickey Mouse, and he sings as well.

- Cassadee has been dating Rian since sophomore year, and she likes to sing.

So pretty much they all came together through music.

"So.." Tay began. "What about you?"

Jack looked at me and gave an encouraging smile.

"Well, I-I like t-to play guit-tar, and I like to s-sing." Jack's eyes lit up.

"What's your favorite band!?" Jack cut in, excitedly.

"Blink" I said with a smile.

I received a few high fives after that, and everyone broke into their own side conversations. Jack handed me a plate and got himself a slice of pizza.

"Alex, would you like a slice?" Cassadee asked.

"I'm ok, th-thanks" I shakily replied.

"Dude, you gotta eat something. I don't want you passing out on us. You can't do all of that marching with no food." Jack jumped in.

"I already at-te"

"Bullshit. Breakfast doesn't count. It's lunch."

*Jack Pov*

He declined my offer once again. Something doesn't seem right here; however, I was determined to get him to eat. I decided to go with my usual tactic of getting what I want: being as annoying as possbile. So I started lightly poking his right forearm.

"What?" he looked up at me.

"Eat something."

"I'm n-not hungry."

That's the third excuse. Something isn't right. I wasn't giving up. I began poking him slightly faster.

"Stop it" he whined, pulling his arm away.

"Eat something." I could see Rian smirking out of the corner of my eye. I started poking his shoulder.

"J-Jack, I'm fine." I poked him harder. He rolled his eyes and scooted away slightly.

"Alex, you need to eat." he sighed in defeat.

"If I eat-t a slice, will you st-top it?"

"Yes." I answered smiling triumphantly.

Alex took a slice, began picking off the pepperoni, and started eating them. I wonder if he has an eating disorder or something? I really hope not. I barely know him, but I know he doesn't deserve that. It's not fun.

"Hey, Jack?" I turned to see Alex looking at me inquisitively.


"How d-did you know I prefer Alex? M-most people call m-me Alexander at first."

I let out a slight laugh. "Your backpack says Alex G. on the side of the pocket." He looked down at his bag. He shook his head, smirking.

"My m-mom must've done th-that while I was s-sleeping." I laughed and he hid is face again. Was he blushing? That is adorable. What? No it's not. No, Jack. You're not going to fall for him. "Anyway, you n-never told me about you."

"Well, I'm kind of an open book. I play guitar, I'm kind of a touchy-feely person, My favorite band is Blink-182, I can play every Blink, Greenday, and Newfound Glory song on guitar, I sing even though I'm horrible, and I make a lot of dick jokes" I listed, laughing at myself.

He nodded in acknowledgement. He was smiling. I was really starting to like his smile. I didn't realize I was staring at him until Zack, who was sitting to my right, elbowed me to say it was time head back out and that he had to leave. We said goodbye to Zack, and went back to the band room. The last part of the day was used going over basics. We were dismissed at 4 o'clock. After I got my stuff together, I went to find Alex. I spotted him digging his keys out of his backpack about four lockers over. I went over to stand behind him.

"Hey." He jumped at the sound of my voice.

"N-not funny. D-don't sneak up on me" he scolded, holding his chest.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya. Anyway, as section leader, I like to make sure that I have everyone's cell phone numbers in case something happens and the schedule changes." I said casually, or so I thought. He saw right through me.

"Is th-that a sly way of g-getting my number?" he asked, raising an eyebrow and smirking.

"Maybe" I winked at him. He laughed. He handed me his phone to put my number in. He typed a few more things before putting his phone away.

"I t-texted you. N-now you have it." he smiled, and his face turned a slight shade of pink.

"In case something happens" I casually added. He nodded, amused, and turned toward the door.

"See ya, Jack"

"See ya"


So, what do you guys think is up with Jack? Comments are appreciated :)

side note: if there isn't a trigger warning on something, and you think it might be triggering, please let me know. Thanks!

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