Part 3: realised

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Brandon's POV

Its pretty cold and dark outside the prison. I'm just standing there on the parking lot. I don't know if Trevor will come he just hung up when I said I was getting realised, I hope he comes but a part of me knows that he won't. It has been 30 minutes since he hung up and the prison isn't far away it's like 15 minutes with car. How do I get home if he doesn't come. I can't walk so long my legs hurt. But I can't stay here all night so I better just walk. I turned around but suddenly I saw lights behind me. A car  drives into the parking lot. It was a black car. That must be Trevor, I tried to see who the driver was but the car gets too close to me. I walk back a bit so it won't hit me. Then a face popped out of the window, it was Trevor.

"Yo! Brandon get in!!" Trevor said. He looked a bit stressed

I got in the car and he started to drive.

Trevor's POV

I looked at Brandon as he turned on his seatbelt.

"I started to think you wouldn't come" he said

"I got lost but to my luck I had my phone" I answered and tried not to feel awkward 

"Is Rowan okay?"

I turned my head to him and smiled

"Hey to you too thanks for picking me up, you literally just saw me and you're asking about Rowan" I said

He smiled. "oh sorry thanks for picking me up I really appreciate that." He said 

"No problem and yea Rowan's okay" I said smiling back

He turned his face down and smiled, I saw the happiness in his eyes. Suddenly his smile disappears.

"She hates me right?" He said while he closed his eyes.

I looked at him and furrowed my eyebrowns.

"I knew it but I tried to explain to her and.." he said

"Brandon I know what happened, she told me everything that happened between you two or okay not the hmhmhm thing but you know, I mean the thing about king cobra." He suddenly started to laugh.

"What?" I asked

"Nothing" he smiled 

We got quiet a minute but a question popped up in my head.

"Where are you even gonna go?" I asked 

"Home I guess" he answered 

"Is your dad home?" I asked

"Probably, why?" He said

I know he and his dad doesn't have the best relationship and I don't think it's so smart that he goes home to his dad, his dad will probably fight with him and I see that Brandon's too exhausted and have too much things in his head to fight with his dad.

"Brandon it's better if you sleep at my house after everything that has happened to you. You don't have to go home you can be at my house some days or something and then when you're ready maybe you can go home to your dad. And I have clothes you can wear and then tomorrow morning we can go to your house while your dads asleep and get your stuff." I said

"Thanks Trevor" he smiled.

I drove 10 minutes until I saw McDonald's. "Hey wanna go eat something before going home, I'll pay." I said.

"WTH do you think?! Of course, I'm down" he smiled and we laughed.

I drove in and we sat and ate a while until I saw a man come in.

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