Part 12: ash's introduction

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Rowan's POV

Me and ash went inside and we saw the guys in the kitchen so I drove ash's wheelchair there.

"Hi guys." I said and they all looked at me with a huge question mark on their face

"Hi row. Who's your friend?" Trevor asked pointing at ash. I forgot he hadn't actually seen ash yet just heard his name from me

"This is ash, Elisia's ehm.." I started since I didn't know how their relationship was right now

"My best friend" I said smiling and ash smiled too. Brandon looked at me with suspicious eyes. Trevor and Sean looked at Brandon and then me

"Hi I'm Trevor. Rowan's stepbrother" Trevor said shaking ash's hand

"Yea I know. Rowan has talked about you all" ash said 

"Does he know..?" Brandon asked and I nodded

"He knows everything" I said

"What happened where did you and Elisia go?" Trevor asked

"Elisia didn't tell jake that she came here so they got worried and we went to their house and.." I said and stopped because I didn't know if ash wanted me to say this

"And we got in a fight with them" ash said

"Oh what about?" Trevor asked

"You guys.." I said looking at Brandon

"Are you and Elisia still friends tho?" Trevor asked

"Yes of course but ash needed some space from jake and Elisia so I told him he could stay here" I said and Trevor nodded. 

"Come on. Join us" Trevor said pulling out a chair for me

I sat down next to Trevor and ash sat beside me and right across me was Brandon and next to ash and Brandon was Sean so he sat across Trevor.

"What happened?" Sean asked looking at the thing the doctors gave ash which was on his stomach.

"I..I got shot" ash said starting to get a little bit emotional. I patted his back. They all looked at him with sad eyes

"Does he know that I.." Brandon asked. I looked at him confused what he was talking about but then I got it. He talked about that it was him who started this thing with the zoo

"I know everything. That's actually why we got in a fight with jake and Elisia" ash said

"But I thought Elisia was cool with us" Brandon said

"She was until jake opened his mouth..sorry" I said looking at ash who looked down

"It's okay I mean you're not wrong" ash said

"Who's jake?" Sean asked with a sandwich in his mouth 

"He's Elisia's cousin and row..." he said but he stopped talking. He realised I hadn't told Brandon about Jake yet. I looked at Brandon and he looked at me. Trevor knew about Jake and he looked at Brandon and then me then Brandon and repeating fast

"I didn't know Elisia had a cousin" Sean said and Brandon and I broke our eye contact.

"Yes he didn't know about king cobra or the zoo just about monkey man until today and they thought you guys were still sending messages and" ash said and I cut him off

"Let's just say that ash got your back" I said smiling

"God this woman never lets me finish my god damn sentence." Ash said and we all started laughing

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