Part 7: Mistr_m_t

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Rowan's POV

"Of course Rowan I'll fix popcorn I mean what would a movie be without popcorn!" Trevor said and I got confused bc I haven't even asked anything about popcorn

"No but for real I'll fix the freaking popcorns and you guys choose the movie but I swear if you choose like the notebook or something imma throw the popcorns at you. And you're not gonna eat it" Trevor said putting his middle finger up smiling

Trevor left the room and we choosed a movie. We started watching the movie.

I didn't even watch the hole movie we all three fell asleep not even half the movie

*the next day*

I woke up and saw Trevor and Brandon sleeping. I walked to the bathroom and on the way I noticed that my mom and Trevor's dad had already leaved the house so I walked into the bathroom to shower. I stepped out of the shower and I took a towel and wrapped it around me. When I was done I turned to the door to go out and put on some clothes but when I turned to the door I saw Brandon standing there beside the door shirtless with a towel on his shoulder. Omg sh*t I left the door freaking open, how stupid..

"Omg Brandon!" I said as I got scared

"Hey..?" He said shocked and I realized he didn't know I was in there.

The moment got pretty awkward as I stood there, without any clothes, just a towel and he was shirtless. We just looked at each other and didn't say anything

"So even if I actually love this view I really have to shower and it's pretty freezing out here so.." he said pointing at my towel

I didn't realize what he said at first my eyes was too concentrated in his eyes

"Uh um what? Oh sorry um yea I probably should get some clothes too" I said looking like a completely stupid and confused potato

He just laughed looking down as I started walking out of the bathroom. He was leaning with his head on the doorframe and when I walked out he was a bit in the way. I didn't look at him I tried to get out but he had to move so I waited then I looked up at him and he smiled at me then he moved and I walked out.

I walked into the room and putted on some clothes fast. Then I left and walked down and ate breakfast with Trevor.

Then me and Trevor left to school bc Brandon didn't want to go and the teachers didn't know that he was out yet so he stayed home.

"Omg I hate Monday's" I said when Trevor parked the car in the parking lot in school

"Rowan tell me someone who doesn't" Trevor said while he sighed

I laughed and we went inside.

The hole day was normal, I want to all my classes and Elisia had a free day bc her teacher was sick and it isn't fair but anyways. I waited for Trevor to come out so he could drive me home. Then I got a message from Stinger

Beesting🐝🐝: yo, I tried to get some information about that Zoe girl but I didn't find anything. And I mean literally nothing, she doesn't even exist in the name Zoe Desaul. But Rowan do you have something like a phone number or a account or something?

Me: yea I have her number I'll send it to you now

Beesting🐝🐝:Kay good if I find out about anything imma let u know.

Me:Kay good luck💕

Me: here's Zoe's number: +0836293683

I saw Trevor coming to the parking lot and we drove home.

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