Part 8: Trevor

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 Brandon's POV

I heard Rowan scream my name and I fast ran to her and saw Trevor in the bathtub full of blood 

"Is that hi..his blood..?" Rowan asked and I didn't want to answer I just looked at Trevor.

I took my arms and lifted Trevor carefully out of the bathtub. He didn't move and his hand was tied to eachother and so was his feet. I layed him on the floor and I tried to open his bound hands but I couldn't. Rowan pushed me out of the way in a non rude way. I saw how stressed and freaked out she were. She finally opened the ties and those on his foot. I tried cpr at him to wake him up.

"We need to take him somewhere else the floor is dirty and if he has a wound it can get worse." Rowan said fast. I nodded and we stood up. I lifted Trevor and Rowan opened the bathroom door. Rowan walked slowly out and she waved to me to come while she looked around in case they were still there. She came to a door and opened it slowly and when I came in the room I put Trevor on the bed and looked at Rowan. I now understood why she choose this room of all. Because this room has a lock on the door and extra locks too and a key. She locked everything and then turned to me. 

"Why the hell was it blood in the water??" I asked Rowan 

"Brandon WTF" she said while her eyes got bigger and she looked at Trevor.

"What?" I asked and turned to Trevor. I saw blood coming from his head and under his arm sleeve. Rowan walked fast to a cabinet and took out a medicinal kit. She took out a pack of wet tissues and bandages. She took up his arm sleeve and saw the word "terrerro" risted at his arm. Someone had cutted his arm and wroted that. I couldn't believe how that freaking a*shole could do that..

Rowan's POV

I got tear eyed when I saw that on his arm. It's exactly the same thing they did to Elisia..

I cleaned the sore and Brandon got some towels that were in the wardrobe. This room was a extra room, it was just for like when our grandparents visited or something and that's why we have many medicinal stuff there. In case something would happen to them they would have everything close to them so we could help them fast.

"Why isn't he waking up?" I asked with a loud voice

"Rowan it can't be just his arm. I know that it can be dangerous even if it's just his arms that are wounded but there has to be somewhere else blood is coming from." Brandon said stressed

I started crying and I touched his forehead and suddenly I felt something wet on his forehead. It was blood.. 

It made sense. You faint if u don't have much blood in your brain and that's why he doesn't wake up. He's losing blood..

I took as much towels I could and wet tissues and I saw how much blood that was coming from his forehead under his hair. I cleaned carefully and tried my best to clean everything. It was so much blood and I got so stressed because I felt like i couldn't help him. 

I had cleaned the most and it was still coming blood so I took bandages and wrapped it around his head and arm. I tried to feel under his jaw to see if he was breathing but I didn't feel anything. 

"He's..he's not breathing..." I said still having my two fingers trying to find a pulse.

"Why isn't he breathing?!" I screamed 

Brandon took my hand and made me let go of Trevor's face. I hugged Trevor while he was laying there. My head was beside his and I cried. I almost couldn't breath because I cried so much. I heard Brandon cry behind me but I couldn't move. I kissed Trevor's cheek and then I backed up. I was still crying and I layed my head on the wall behind me. I slowly sat down and hided my face with my hands. I cried so much and then I heard Brandon


"What" I said still crying with my hand hiding my face

"He's breathing!" Brandon said 

I took my head up fast and saw Brandon beside Trevor.

"Are you sure?" I said standing up

"Feel his heart" Brandon said I just looked at him and he took my hand and placed it on Trevor's chest. I felt his heart moving.

"You can always trust the heart" Brandon said smiling in a soft way

I smiled and hugged him tight. Then I looked at Trevor and saw him blinking fast. 

"Trevor!" I said walking closer to him

"Row?" He said with his eyes half closed

"What happened?" Trevor said

I didn't answer him I hugged him and kissed his forehead.

"I love you Trevor. Not as step siblings. You are my real brother and I will always call you that." I said crying into his arms

"I love you too sis" he said and looked at Brandon and welcomed him into the hug.

We are family. Trevor is my real brother and Brandon is... I don't even know myself but he belongs to me. He's always gonna belong to me and I belong to him no matter what.

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