Chapter 2

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     Marty was not having a safe and easy trip. Quite the opposite really. Philip was slowly walking down the road when a tree fell over blocking his path and startling him. Philip reared up and ran off to the other path leading into the forest. Marty tumbling to get a hold of the horse noticed wolves chasing them. Philp jumped over a log forcing the rains out of Marty's hand and the cart to break, Marty was thrown off and into a pile of snow. Having no time to ask why it was snowing in June, Marty got his feet and started to run. The wolves closing in. With Philp long gone Marty prayed to every being, he could think of asking for them to keep him safe. He tripped over his own feet and tumbled down the small hill, once stopped he looked around and found dark gates and booked it over to them. Marty closed them just as a wolf snapped at his ankles. Making sure they stayed close he turned around and made his way over to the old and dark castle.

"It's ok Marty. Just a creepy castle with snow in June. Very normal."

Knocking on the door he took a step back when it opened by itself.

"Hello." He called out.

Without hearing and noticing the candle and clock started whispering to one another confused about the newcomer. The candle jumping down from the tabletop and moved quietly into the hallway leading to the fire room, lighting the other candles on the way. Marty followed blindly. Marty walked into the room the only chair was in front of the fire, cautiously he sat in the chair, almost jumped out of his skin when a blanket was placed on him and a cart rolled up next to him by itself. Hot tea at the ready for someone to drink. The cup giggled as Marty drank. Marty quickly pulled away.


The candle decided to make herself known and hoped she wouldn't scare the man.

"Sir please don't be alarmed."

The clock walked in telling no one how the master will be livid once she finds out they allowed a man to sit in her chair and drink her tea. Marty picked the clock up and studied it.


"Put me down, sir!"

"Oh! I'm sorry!"

"That's ok, it's not every day someone goes into an enchanted castle." The candle said hoping to calm the man's nerves.

The clock began to pace.

"He needs to leave. He needs to leave now."

"Come on Severus have a heart. It's cold outside and we don't know if he has a way home." The pot noted.

Hearing claws against tile the four talking household items froze. The fireplace was blown out as the door thrown open. Marty looking at him left then slowly looked to his right was face to face with a snarling beast. Screaming he fell out of his chair and ran to the door, the beast was faster and trapped Marty in his place. The talking items watched the beast drag Marty away into the cellar. Their head bowed in destress.




Philp ran back to his home without stopping by the time he stopped he noticed Hermione's worried eyes trained on him. She asked where papa was and told him to take her to him. Neighing no he laid down and fell asleep.

Hermione was worried but knew Philp needed sleep before he could take her anywhere. Once the horse awoke she would make him go to papa. Wherever he was hoping he would be ok. An hour later Hermione was on Philp's back and let the horse take her to papa. Looking around Hermione was a little nervous about the castle they were going to. Leaving the horse she walked inside.

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