Chapter 3

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The beast placed back in forth on all fours worrying that she'll mess up Andy's and Narcissa's plain.


"But don't scare her."

"Dazzle her."

"But be general."

"Shower her with confidence."

"And be sincere."

"And above all, you must control your temper!" They both scowled.

The dining room opened as the beast could feel her heart jump to her throat. That feeling died went Severus walked in.


"She's.. she's not coming." Severus grumbled.

"What!" She roared.

Like a dog, she raced and jumped up the stairs right to Hermione's door. Banging on it.

"I thought I told you to come down for dinner!" Her husky voice rang out.

"I'm not hungry."

"You come out or I'll... I'll break the door down!"

Andy tugged on her cloak.

"Sir I don't think that's the best way to earn her affection."

"Please try and be more gentle," Severus asked.

"How can I when she's being so difficult!" She growled.

"Gently, gently." Narcissa murmured.

"Would you join me for dinner?" The beast asked. "Please" she added.

"No thank you."

The beast could help the growl and roar rumbling out of her.

"Fine then go ahead and starve!" She turned to the three. "If she doesn't eat with me then she doesn't eat at all."

She stormed off to the west wing to angry to think clearly. Her claws ripped through everything. She grabbed her silver and green mirror.

"Show me the girl."

The mirror glowed for a second then an image appeared. The girl and dresser were talking, the dresser was doing her best to tell the human the master isn't that bad once she gets to know her.

"I don't anything to do with her!"

The beast closed her black eyes and sighed.

"Who am I kidding. She'll only see me as a monster." Placing the mirror down she walked to her balcony for fresh air. And the sudden laughter coming from the dining room.




Once the whole household was done giving Hermione a wonderful dinner and show Severus ordered her to go right to bed.

"I've never been to an enchanted castle before."

"I can give you a tour!" Andromeda was excited.

"No no no right to bed." Said the clock.

Hermione smirked.

"Then why don't you show me around. I'm sure you know everything there is about the castle." She even has a sweet charming smile to sell it.

The clock man blushed.

"Why yes, I do."

She was shown over a quarter of the castle when the walked passed the west wing. She asked where the steps lead when the clock and candle stopped her.

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