Chapter 4

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Back in the village, Ron sat in the tavern sulking about. Harry made his way over to him with two beers.

"Gosh, it deserves me to see you like this looking so down in the dumps," Harry said.

Ron turned his back on his friend.

"Everyone ones odd and inspired by you and it's not very hard to see why..." Harry gave three guys a pointed looked.

They each shouted out things they like about Ron. Soon the hole tavern began to tell him what they like about him. Ron smiled and thanked his friend. Marty ran inside yelling for anyone to help him get Hermione from the beast's castle.

"Slow down Marty who's got Hermione locked away in a tower?"

"A horrible monstrous beast!"

A few people started laughing.

"Is it a big beast?"

"With large ugly snout?"

"Yes!" Marty agreed.

"And sharp cruel claws?"

"Yes! Will you help me?" Marty was begging anyone to help him.

Ron smiled.

"Calm down Marty we'll help."

"You will!"

Laughing the other men grabbed Marty's arms and threw him outside. Ron pounder over an idea.

"Harry I've been thinking."

"That's not good."

"I know. But listen."

He pulled Harry closer and whispered his plain. Harry knew the plan was evil but went along with it. Marty stomped back to his home telling himself if no one would help him he'll go alone.




The beast looked down from the ledge, she watched Hermione and Philp walking in the courtyard. Placing her hand over her shoulder. The beast looked to the candle and clock.

"I want to do something for her. But what?"

The clock started naming off things, "flowers, chocolates, promises you don't tend to keep.."

Andy's eyes sparkled with an idea.

"No, I got it!"



The beast leads Hermione down a green hallway. Stopping at the large door she turned to Hermione with a small smile.

"Close your eyes."

Hermione looked at her funnily before doing as she was told. The beast waved her hand over Hermione's eyes, pleased she opened the door and grabbing Hermione's hand she brought her inside.

"Wait here."

The beast started opening the curtains casting light into the dark room. The beast noticed Hermione worrying her bottom lip. Gulping and praying she likes the gift she told her to open. Hermione gasped her eyes glowing. This was the most books she has ever seen. The tall wall was lined with books, there were ladders available so you could reach the very top. The beast watched at safe distance Hermione giggling and twirling, she was happy Hermione likes her gift.

"This is amazing!"

"Well, the beast rubbed the back of her neck. "If you like it so much it's yours."

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