Sweet Sorrow

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I woke in the morning and watched the sunlight tiptoe across the floor until it landed on Perseus' face. His golden curls came alive in the sunlight, sparkling like treasure.

It was happiness and pain, it was sweetness and sorrow. I turned my head away and closed my eyes. 

Staying the night with Perseus was the best of my life. Laying in his arms I felt safe and happy, but it was in my dreams that I found the truths Athena was so reluctant to tell me.

I heard Perseus stir behind me. "Is it safe?" He asked in a groggy voice. 

I smiled and took the veil I had tied around my waist and wrapped it around my face. 

"Yes," I answered. "You may open your eyes."

I glanced behind me and saw him sit up. Perseus' eyes lit up as he turned to face me. He scooted across the floor and kissed my naked shoulder.

"Good morning, my dearest love." He murmured.

I picked my dress up off the floor and begin to cover myself.

"There's no need for that." Perseus objected.

I ignored him and stood up so I could finish dressing.

"Perseus," I said after a long minute. "I can't be your dearest love."

I glanced over my shoulder just in time so see his face fall. He looked devastated. 

Perseus rose to his feet, shaking his head. "I-I don't understand. Why? Did something happen last night-?"

I choked on a sob and was glad he couldn't see the tears in my eyes. "Last night was the best of my life." I whispered.

"Then why?" He asked, moving closer.

"I can't keep you here like a bird in a cage, Perseus." I said. "You belong with Andromeda. You love her."

"I thought I loved her!" He objected, his voice rising with emotion.

"The two of you can be happy together." I went on, as though I hadn't heard. "You can go out into the world together, without danger. She can't turn you into stone with one stolen glance, and you don't have to give up everything to be with her."

"Medusa," Perseus took my shoulders and turned me around so I was facing him. "It is no sacrifice being here with you. The only sacrifice would be giving you up."

"You were happy with Andromeda once, you can be happy with her again." I gently encouraged.

Perseus let me go. He turned away and sagged against the wall, as though all the strength had gone from his body. 

"You do not know what you ask of me." He said in a choked whisper.

Now it was my turn to go to him.

I ran my hand through his golden curls, tracing fingers down his neck and across broad shoulders. 

"I am asking you to be happy." I said. "Perseus, you told me once that being happy and content were not the same things. You were right. This life...it is not terrible but it doesn't bring me joy either. I would not wish it for you."

Perseus was silent for a moment.

"Even if I did leave," he said after a long moment, "even if I did go back to Andromeda, I have no way of saving her. She is still going to be sacrificed to Cetus."

"There is one weapon that even Poseidon fears." I told him.

Perseus turned to me. He looked doubtful for a moment. "Are you saying you want to come with me? To rescue Andromeda?"

"No," I gave a sad shake of my head. "The world would never allow that."

"What then?" He asked.

I hesitated, then retreated into the darkness, into the depths of my castle. On the floor lay a sword, left over from some unsuccessful soldier who wished to make a name for himself. History would forget him.

I picked the weapon up off the floor, then went back to Perseus. I handed him the sword.

Perseus looked down at the cold, glittering blade and I saw his face go dark.

"How could you?" He asked me in a gravely tone.

"It's for the best." I said. "So you can save Andromeda-"

"Save Andromeda?!" Perseus roared. "Medusa, you are asking me to kill you! You, the woman I love!"

"Perseus, listen to me." I reached up and cupped his face in my hands. I drew my thumbs over his soft skin. "I have grown weary of my solitude and I want my life to have purpose. Please, give me purpose. Let me use my gift to do this one thing."

Perseus was shaking. His cheeks were wet with tears. 

"The world will never believe me," He choked out. "When I tell them what you did, that you weren't a monster-"

"I don't need the world to believe." I said. "As long as you know the truth, that is enough for me."

"I can't-" He objected.

"You must." I whispered. "It's the only thing I will ever ask of you."

"But I love you." He said.

"I love you, Perseus." I said. "You are the only man I will ever love. I will carry that with me, into the Underworld, into eternity. Always. But I have lived my life and you have not lived yours. You must go back out into the world. There is a destiny laid upon your shoulders."

Watching his face, it was like watching the last part of his heart break.

He reached out and begin unwinding my veil. I grabbed his hand, momentarily panicking. What was he doing? Trying to kill himself before he could end my life?

"Trust me," He said, and I moved my hand away.

He only unveiled the lower part of my face. He ran his thumb along my jaw line, then leaned in for a kiss. His lips were warm, they tasted like sunshine and joy and starlight.

In that kiss, I felt the promise of the future more heavily than ever before. I was tempted, just for a moment, to take back my words. I wanted to welcome Perseus to stay with me, to shut out the world with me, to make his happiness with me.

"Oh Athena," I silently prayed. "Give me strength."

"I love you," he whispered in my ear. "Until the mountains fall and the seas dry up, I will love you. Forever, always."

He stepped away, I saw his hand tighten around the hilt of the sword. I knelt down and closed my eyes. 

"I love you, Perseus." I murmured. "You are my happiness."

The sword whistled as it cut through the air.

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