~Healing~ Lance x reader

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                            Lance's POV

The galra were attacking, and we had left in the lions to fight. But it was different this time, because our dear friend (Y/n) was in this ship. I hated myself for not being able to save her, and it haunted my dreams up until today. As soon as Allura mentioned (Y/n) being in that ship, I've had hope that she was okay, and I promised to save her. I landed Blue on the ship, not even hesitating to get out. Shiro was with me, and he cut open a spot to get in with his robotic arm. As soon as it opened, I threw myself inside, taking out any soldier I saw. (Y/n) was the only thing on my mind, and the thought of her kept me going. As soon as all of the purple soldiers were down, I ran in the direction Pidge told me to go, searching for (Y/n) like a fox. I passed cells, Shiro helping behind me. Then I heard something beyond the blaring alarm.
  "YOU IDIOTS CAN'T GET A WORD OUT OF ME! I'D RATHER DIE THEN TELL YOU ANYTHING!" I heard someone yell, but I knew that feisty, venom filled voice anywhere. It was (Y/n).
                             (Y/n)'s POV

  "YOU IDIOTS CAN'T GET A WORD OUT OF ME! I'D RATHER DIE THEN TELL YOU ANYTHING!" I yelled, knowing very well that the paladins were around because of the alarms. The soldiers grabbed me by the wrists, dragging me along the floor. I fought against them, but to no use from their size and strength. I then saw a blur of blue down the hall, and two heads poking out from a pillar. Lance and Shiro looked at me, Lance having a look of relief and anger, while Shiro looked at the guards, calculating how to get me out. Shiro them poked Lance's arm, making finger guns, and I knew what he was trying to tell him. Lance's bayard turned into his gun, and I curled my body in, allowing more room to shoot. He aimed, then shot. The first hit the guard on my right, making him go down. With my hand free, I punched the second guard, but then he grabbed both my wrists. Lance shot a second time, hitting the guard square in the head. The guard dropped, the loud clank told me he wasn't getting up. I ran to Lance, embracing him tightly.
  "I knew you guys would find me, I never lost hope." I told Lance, feeling his arms wrap around me gently, his helmeted head resting on mine.
  "Let's get out of here, you two can be lovely dovey later, we have company." Shiro said, his metal arm glowing purple, ready to fight. Lance put me behind him, shooting guard by guard with skilled, precise aim. Taking a hit, he fell, gripping his side. 'That's it, you take me, and hit Lance, you're getting it now.' I thought, running out in front of Lance, grabbing a gun from a fallen Galra soldier. I stayed protectively in front of Lance, shooting with fury towards these aliens. Shiro got the rest down, and I pulled Lance to his feet. He groaned in pain, willingly throwing an arm around me. I heaved him along, gun at my side. We got to the Lions, and I got Lance in his seat. Using his last bit of strength, we got back to the castle safely. As soon as we landed in the castle, Lance passed out. I picked him up, his chest pressing against mine, head on my shoulder, legs around my waist. Later, Allura told me his injury wasn't bad enough to put him in a healing pod, but told me to put a healing cream on the shot. I took him to his room, with a bit of help from Hunk, and put him on his bed. Thanking Hunk, he left the room. I blushed lightly, realizing Lance's wound is under his shirt. Turning completely red, I pulled up his shirt, going wide eyed at the sight. He had smooth muscles that I was trying my best not to touch, and sloping hip bones, his v leading to his pant line. The wound was right above his hips, a gross, bloody area with a almost black spot in the middle. I pulled the cleaning supplies out, my embarrassment fading, replaced by the overwhelming concern to help Lance. I cleaned the spot up, dabbing the wound with a towel to dry it off. I then got the cream out, applying it delicately, as to not hurt Lance.

                             Lance's POV

I awoke to a very cold feeling above my hip, a warm soft touch accompanying it. I opened my eyes slightly, (Y/n) flooding my view. My breath hitched as she rubbed a spot, the pain made me groan. (Y/n) looked up at me, blushing when she saw that I was awake.
  "S-sorry about that. I h-have to but this cream on your wound, i-it'll heal quicker." (Y/n) said, stopping till I layed back down. She then went back to smothering this cream on me, and her touch made me melt.
  "It's okay, it's better than Keith." I stated, getting a look from her.
  "Whatcha mean?" She asked, wiping her fingers off on her pants.
  "He'd be hurting me by pressing too hard, and would tell me to 'shut up and stop whining'." I replied, and she giggled.
  "Good thing I didn't have him carry you here, and Hunk had to help Pidge with some nerd stuff." She said, getting up to walk out. She then let out a pained yelp, falling to the floor and clutching her leg.
  "WOAH! You okay?!" I asked, sitting up on my bed.
  "Yeah, ow. I sprained my ankle trying to get you out of that Galran ship." She said, groaning in pain. I leaned over, grabbing the hand she outstretched to me. I pulled her up, and she sat next to me.
  "Well, since you helped me, would you like me to massage your ankle?" I asked, a blush slightly came upon my face. She nodded, giving me her left leg. I then started to softly massage her ankle, rubbing slow circles around both. She sighed, obviously needing this after all that stress. After a while, I stopped, hearing a tiny whimper from (Y/n). I looked up at her, smirking.
  "You want me to massage more? Seems like you were enjoying it~" I flirted, getting a blush out of (Y/n). Suddenly she smiled in an evil manner.
  "No~ But I can repay you with something~" she retaliated, not specifying what that "something" meant.
  "Something, meaning what?" I asked, genuinely confused. She then got closer to me, sitting inches away from me. She looked me in the eyes, mood shifting.
  "Lance, I realize now, you are so nice to me without asking. Hell, you saved my ass on that ship, and took a blow. So this was a way I thought I could repay you, yet you still did the sweetest thing without me asking. And now I wanna show you how I feel about you." She said, getting closer. I felt what she did, and I shifted myself to face her completely. I then caressed her jawline with one hand, feeling hers rest on my shoulders. I pulled her in, our lips connecting with a spark. Our lips danced, love flowing between us. Her arms wrapped farther around my neck, and mine intertwined with her hair, the other slithered around her side to her back. She pulled herself into my lap, putting her legs around my waist, being careful of my wound.
  "I love you" I said into our passionate kiss.
  "Love you too" She said right back. She ran her fingers through my hair, tracing my neck lightly. Both of my hands drifted to her sides, rubbing circles in a heavy massage. She groaned loudly into me, then we both herd a noise.
  "OH! I TOTALLY SHIP IT!" We heard Pidge shout, and we pulled apart, (Y/n) still in my lap, her shirt up a bit farther than before. The rest of the paladins were standing in the doorway, with different expressions. Pidge looked like a fangirl, Hunk just looked happy. Keith shook his head disapprovingly, Shiro looked like a proud father.

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