~Protective Sibling~

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                              (Y/n)'s POV

It was early morning, and I was the first to walk into the kitchen. I grabbed some food, lazily going to the lounge to eat. Just a couple minutes later, my brother Shiro walked in, looking wide awake and ready for the day.
  "Mornin' beasty, you just wake up a minute ago?" He asked, using my nickname, giving to me any morning I looked like I just rolled out of bed. I nodded, stretching my legs out to pop my knee. Shiro plopped down next to me, then I suddenly heard a sound. The sound was the door opening, showing the rest of the half asleep paladins, Pidge looking the most asleep. As soon as Shiro saw Lance, he pulled me to him in a protective manner. I rolled my eyes, letting him pull me, well aware of the fact that he was just the protective big bro. I put my bowl on the floor in front of me, leaning on to my brother and throwing my legs on to the seat.
  "Morning lovely~ Sleep well?" Lance said to me, smirking at my small blush. I had a slight crush on him, and his flirting wasn't helping. 'Two can play this game' I thought.
  "Yes Lance, I did. Mostly because my dreams were about you~" I teased, and Lance averted his gaze, blushing lightly.
  "Guys, could you not do this now, it's too early." Pidge groaned, and I sighed in boredom, my amusement gone.

      ~Timeskip brought to you by Yorak~

(Still (Y/n) POV)

I was walking around the castle, bored as hell, when I heard Shiro yell something.
  "Hey (Y/n)! Since you've got nothing to do, come train!" He yelled. I groaned, hating that of all things to do, my brother picks training. Oh well, it's something to do. I went into the gymnasium/training room, and stretched. The others walked in to, signalling to me that this was a group training session.
  "Alright everyone, today we're gonna do something new. Today, you get to pick partners!" Shiro announced. We all scrambled to get to our preferred partner, and I immediately linked arms with Lance, letting everyone know I wasn't budging. I heard Shiro growl lowly in disapproval, but let us stay. I gave him a slight warning glare, silently saying that I can handle myself. I had Lance, Pidge had Hunk, and my brother got Keith.

                           Lance's POV

(Y/n) ran up to me, linking our arms together. I wasn't super surprised that she did, being friends and all, but I couldn't help but blush. I heard Shiro growl, and (Y/n) gave him a small glare. I tilted my head, confused at why this was happening, but smirked in amusement at the fact that she gave Shiro the face she did. Soon after this shinanigans, we got to training, which was a simple guard your partner and fend off the other team. The last team standing picks dinner.

~Another time skip brought by emo Keith~

                             (Y/n)'s POV

After our training session, we figured out that team Punk was getting to choose dinner, which we all didn't mind cuz' Hunk knows his food. I stayed by Lance's side, and we walked at a slow pace towards the lounge once again.
  "Hey (Y/n), where did your bro run off to?" Lance asked all of the sudden.
  "With Pidge in her "lab", why do you ask?" I answered, wondering what he needed Shiro for.
  "Okay, I'll be back in a few minutes, just meet me in the lounge, okay?" Lance said, running off to see Shiro.

                            Lance's POV

'Damn, I can't believe I'm doing this, but it's for her' I thought, mentally yelling at myself for the way I just ran off in the middle of a good conversation with (Y/n). I had a huge crush on her, but I wanted to make sure Shiro wouldn't kill me if I asked his sister out. Slowly walking up to the lab door, I took a deep breath to calm myself, then went in.
  "Sup' Lance." Pidge said, and Shiro just waved.
  "Nothing much. Hey Shiro, c-can I see you for a second?" I asked, my palms starting to sweat. He nodded, handing something to Pidge and walking out into the hall.
  "Watcha' need Lance?" Shiro asked casually, though that calm voice didn't match the emotion in his eyes.
  "I-i came here to ask you something important. S-so I know you and (Y/n) have been through thick and thin together, and you are always there to have her back, which I know she appreciates. A-and I know that you will protect her, no m-matter what happens. And lately, I've started to feel like I need to do the same, and not just because she's a friend, o-or a part of this team. It's because..... I fell in love with her. I came here to ask you if you would approve of me dating your sister." I sputtered out, gaining confidence as I spoke. Shiro took it all in, being silent for a moment, then looked me in the eye, putting a firm hand on my shoulder.
  "Lance, listen. I do love my sister, more than anyone could comprehend, and I do try to protect her in any way I can. Being a part of this team means having trust in one another, no matter the circumstances. So, having trust in you, I will let you be with her, under one condition." Shiro said, and I relaxed a bit, glad to know I had a chance, and was ready for anything he had to say for my to be with (Y/n), I was committed.
  "You must protect her if I can't, I don't want  (Y/n) to go through what I did." He said, gripping my shoulder a bit tighter.
  "And so help me if you break her heart, I promise you mercy will be the last thing on my mind." Shiro said, having a vise like grip on my shoulder now, and I nodded, slight fear making my adrenaline rise.
  "I swear on my life that she will be treated like royalty, and I will never, ever break her heart." I said, sincerely meaning every word. Shiro gave me a brotherly type hug, and a small smile was plastered on his face.
  "Now, go get her, she's waiting." He said, and I nodded once more, walking to the lounge.

                             (Y/n)'s POV

I sat in the lounge, taking a light nap when I heard the door open. Sitting up, I saw Lance, and I smiled happily, glad he came to cure my boredom.
  "(Y/n), I've gotta tell you something." Lance said, sitting down next to me.
  "Alright, what is it?" I asked, positioning myself to face him.
  "I....... I love you." Lance said, and I froze, a blush overtaking my face. Lance looked at me, then looked down sadly.
  "I understand if you don't feel the same, but I needed to-" he started to say, and I cut him off by hooking a finger under his chin. I leaned in slowly, taking in all the details of his perfect face, and looked deeply into his eyes, closing the gap between us. The kiss was sweet, not too rough, not too soft. He tasted of sweet vanilla, and his cologne filled my nose. Pulling back for air, I hugged Lance, climbing into his lap.
  "I love you too, my handsome goofball."

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