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(Y'all thought I had this completed..... SIKE)

                              (Y/n)'s POV

  "Lance, I think I'm dying." I said, sitting up. A thunderous cough rumbled deep in my chest, and I groaned.
  "You're not dying, (Y/n). You're just sick." Lance said, walking over with arms full of things. Life back on Earth was great, except for me being allergic to basically everything. I coughed once more, sighing in defeat of my misery. Lance chuckled under his breath, setting things down on the floor next to me.
  "How're you holding up, sis?" Shiro asked as he poked his head in. I coughed in reply.
  "She's doing decent, I'm about to give her a bunch of medicine." Lance said, and I flopped back down, weakly waving at Shiro as he closed the door. Lance rested a hand gently on my forehead, and I allowed it to stay there as he assessed me. A thermometer was placed under my tongue, and I sat up some, leaning my head against the headboard. A small beep sounded, and the thing was removed.
  "Good news is, you don't have a fever. Bad news is, you still have bronchitis." Lance said, and I just rolled my eyes.
  "I just wish I'd stop coughing." I said stuffily, doing so again. He nodded, giving a sympathetic look. I was given medicine by him, and a cookie.
  "Your eyes look puffy." He said, sitting next to me. I yawned, sniffling.
  "Allergies, they suck." I said, reaching for the remote. I gave it to the Cuban, letting him climb under the blankets. I rested against him, throwing my legs over his. I didn't pay attention to what was on the screen, just the steady thrum of Lance's heartbeat and his comforting warmth. I hummed in satisfaction, a small cough rumbled out of me. Lance moved to cradle me, my head in his neck. I yawned once more as I settled in, giggling at the TV show.
  "You're so cute and when you're sick." Lance said softly. I sighed, leaning into him more.
  "Well too bad I can't be sick more often." I teased, intertwining my fingers in his.
  "I love you, my sick honey." Lance whispered, kissing my forehead. I giggled, kissing his jawline.
  "I love you too, my warm honey."

Voltron Lance x Reader Oneshots (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now