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  The mouth-watering smell of pasta welcomed me and Zayn as we entered the house.Dad is cooking.I knew it before I see it.Hes the only one who can make a food smell that good.Hes a better cook than mom.Mom is not bad too.But dad is definitely the best.

  "I can sense a celebration coming."Zayn mutters beside me shaking his head but a small smile played on his lips.

  I shrug as we entered the kitchen.Sure enough,dad was there moving around while mom wipe some plates.Both are laughing as an old love song plays on the stereo.Those two act like teenagers everytime.Im not complaining though.Seeing them this madly inlove makes me happy.

  "Ahem..."Zayn caught their attention.

  "Oh hi kids.We prepared a small celebration for you.Spaghetti tacos for dinner."dad announced grinning.

  Zayn inclined his head sideways to look at me and then let out a look saying I told you so.

  "Head to the table now you two." mom said carrying a plate of pasta.Zayn and I didn't argue.

  Five minutes later,the table is set and we are all seated.As soon as Zayn put a pile of good smelling pasta in my plate,my stomach grumbled and only then did I realize how hungry I was.I inserted a forkful of pasta in my taco and take a huge bite.

  "Slow down honey."dad said.

  I swallow."Sorry.Just hungry."

  "So,how was your first day at school?" mom asked. "Did you made any friends?Are the teachers nice?Are the facilities alright?How about the-"

  "Whoah mom." Zayn interupted. "One question at a time please?"

  "Oh sorry.Just excited."mom said with a glint in her eyes.Mom is beautiful with her brunette locks,dark brown eyes and fitted body.Zayn got his eyes from mom and his dark hair from dad.But his very handsome face is a natural thing in him.

  "Your mom is so much more excited than you." dad said glancing at mom adoringly.His dark eyes dancing with warmth.

  "Well my day is not that exciting."Zayn shrug nonchalantly. "I met a boy named Louis.Hes a nice lad."

  "Well you should invite him here.We can have a house warming party." mom is putting on a look that says This is gonna be fun.


  "Oh come on Zayn.Just invite him." mom insisted.She didn't wait for Zayn to answer then she turned to me. "How about you?"

  "I met a boy named Harry." and one named Niall.I added in my head but I kept my mouth shut.Niall and I never really talked after that incident in Chemistry.I figured he might need more time to adjust to me being nice to him.

  "Harry eh?" dad inquired rising his brow.I rolled my eyes.

  "No dad.Not my type." I said.Dating is not prohibited in our family.My parents respect the fact that we have our own lives.

  "Invite him too." mom said smiling and I laugh.Mom is like a teenager sometimes.

  The dinner continued with dad talking about his first day as a sheriff and mom narating her whole day in her new office as a psychologist.

  After that,Zayn and I washed the dishes and head upstairs to sleep.

  The next morning,I woke Zayn a bit early.He wasn't really fond of it but I made him agree anyway.We came to school thirty minutes early.

  Zayn parked his car in the same spot as the previous day.

  "I hate you." Zayn mutters as he fix his hair.We were still inside the car.

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