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  They are everywhere.At my house,at school or anywhere I turn.The demons are always there.Waiting around the corner.I can identify some just by looking at them.But others are good at being demons in disguise.

  Just like the girl on my French class.Shes so pretty.And the way she smiled at me seems really nice.But I dont buy it.I know shes one of them.Her smile was a trick.They are all like that.First they will give you their winning smile so you'll trust them.And if you're stupid enough to believe them then you're doomed.Just like me.

  I sprinted out of the room the moment the bell rings.I dont wanna give that girl a chance to corner me.My next class is Math.I love Math but I dont wanna attend that class.Gerson,one of my bullies is unfortunately my classmate there.Hes terrible.He copies all my test and assignment and if I refuse to give him what he wants,he'll beat me up after school.I never tried to see a teacher for this.I know better.

  Hesitantly,I walk in my next class.Gerson's obnoxious laugh was heard when I entered the room.I tried so hard to pass unnoticed but that was almost impossible.

  "Hey blondie!!" Gerson calls with his deep scary voice which pretty much match his looks.He has a big body,obviously working out a lot.His hair is black and its always fixed upward.His dark eyes are scary and he has a broken nose.

  I mentally prayed for this to go smooth.I snap my head in his direction,my hands shaking.He grinned showing off his uneven teeth.

  "I heard we have a quiz today." he started walking towards me.Then he put his heavy hand on my shoulder gripping it tightly it hurts."Wanna sit with me?" he asked.


  "What?" he raised his brow.

  "Uhm...I cant..." I mumble,my heart thumping.I felt his grip tighten and it hurts so much.I almost cry but I controlled myself.

  "You cant?" he asked glaring.He squeezed my shoulder harder.I winced trying to loosen his grip. "Sit with me!" his tone is final.

  He grab my hand and literally drag me towards his seat.Then he dumped me making me sit down.I wimper but no one helped me.Im used to this.No one caring about me here in school,only Liam.And unfortunately,I only have my first  subject with him.

  So the period passed with the teacher giving us the test and Gerson copying my work.As much as I want to keep my answer,I cant.So I suck it all up and dealt with Gerson until the bell rings.

  I went straight outside to that familiar spot on the school ground.Its under the acasia tree near the parking lot.Every break time,Liam and I sit there and hang out.I was there first so I read a book while waiting for Liam.

  "Hey Nialler." a familiar voice calls.I look up and smile at Liam.As usual,a tray of food for two is in his hands.He always gets my food cause Im scared of the crowded cafeteria.

  "Hey Liam."

  Liam sits beside me and I close my book reaching out for the food tray.It has two sandwiches,two apples and two cartoon of orange juice.

  "Hungry?" Liam chuckled as I devour my sandwich.I nod swallowing my food and chugging it down with my juice. "Here have my sandwich." Liam handed me his food.

  "No its yours." I said even though I really wanted the sandwich.

  "Im not really hungry.Im good with my apple." he said.


  "Come on Niall.I know you want it."

  I finally smile and take his food.I eat it happily.

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