Chapter 13: Land of Water; The New Waterpark

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(Author: This chapter is dedicated to Rin Kagamine from Quotev for coming up with the waterpark idea that helped me think of more for this story.

Now the pictures are to give a good idea of water may be in the waterpark of the Land of Waves, you may very well let your imagination run wild with what could be here...)


"(F/n)... wake up." Kisame says before I slowly open my eyes.

I look up at Kisame who's shoulder I used as a pillow. I look out the window where he points at. My eyes widens and my jaw drops in awe. The waterpark is huge! It's on its own island which meant that the hotel we are staying at will lead straight to the beach.

"This looks amazing!" I exclaim in excitement.

After we land, we all unload and go to a limo. When the driver comes out, it is the one and only, Walter.

"Hello gang." He smiles.

"Hi!" Tobi, Konan, and I all smile.

After arriving at the hotel, Konan and I go straight to our rooms. We have the very top floor for all the seniors and the three sensei. Konan and I have rooms right beside each other. Beside mine is Tobi, Deidara, and Kisame. Beside Konan is Pein (they decided to share rooms even though  the sensei say they're not supposed to), Kakuzu, Zetsu, Kakashi-sensei, and then Kurenai and Asuma-sensei. Across from everyone is Itachi, Hidan, and Sasori.

"Hey, (F/n)!" Konan smiles as she walks in. "You done unpacking yet?"

I shake my head.

"I have one more bag to unpack." I then open the bag and show Konan. "I figured I should have my bathing suit underneath an outfit for when we go swimming."

I then grab the clothing and go into the huge bathroom to get changed for the day. Once done, I walk out and smile at Konan.

"You look ready for a whole day of fun!" She smiles.

I look at my outfit. I have a pair of black shorts and a (f/c) tank top. A thin black jacket with the red Akatsuki's symbol on the back. I also have a pair of sneakers to match and my hair is pulled up. I have a small bag on my shoulder that has my (f/c) sandals, my phone, my wallet, our key card to our rooms, and a few extra things like sunblock and other essentials for a day at the beach.

"Thanks, Konan." I smile.

"Before we go out... I was just thinking about the trip... And you had said you'd get your siblings to talk to your dad when we talked over the phone the other day... but before you said he was assassinated." She then says as if she's been thinking of this for a while.

"Oh um... I forgot to tell you guys that I found out my dad's still alive. The man killed was my uncle who was mistakened as my father. How I don't know because they don't look anything alike. But yeah..." I say, forgetting that I had talked about a various of ideas with her on what we could do if we go near or in Sunagakure.

"Oh well it's sad it's your uncle but you still have your dad." She smiles before I nod.

"How about we join the others before they leave us behind."

"Right!" She agrees.

We walk out of the room before seeing the boys waiting at the elevator. Once we get there, all the boys look at us. Konan wraps her arms around Pein's arm and glares at the boys. Once the elevator comes, the three teachers catch up and join us since they're suppose to supervise us. I'm pretty sure they'll lose us sometime during the day if not immediately.

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