chapter 2

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Tomiko's POV

"Good Morning, Usaku High! The weather today is currently 26 degrees with sun! The lunch menu for today is..."

I slide in my earbuds as the morning announcements start. I look around the room, observing my fellow classmates.

There's Kara.. she's doing somethin' 'interesting' on her phone, clearly causing her to giggle. I hooked up with her last year, actually.. terrible kisser.

There's.. Kenji. That weird kid who always draws people's eyes or whatever. He's arguing with some redheaded girl. Heh.. she's pretty cute.

There's Taro.. being the flirt he is, talkin' to those two cutie twins over there..! What an idiot.

I turn my attention back to the front. The teachers filing through his beige binder in a rush. I let out a small sigh as I look at my watch.

8:52 am.

Jeez, I'm already bored, and this day barely started!

I close my eyes and let the music take me away for a few minutes, until the boy next to me taps me on the shoulder to stand for the national anthem. "Hey, Buddy! Don't touch me next time, got it?!" I shoot at him, giving the boy a nudge. He nods in fear, looking down at the floor. I scoff and face back to the front, head down as the national anthem begins.

Right as the anthem ends, not even before I can sit back down, a brunette girl comes rushing through the door, her bag only hanging over one shoulder. She's panting, clearly out of breath. "Hi! Sorry I.. I'm late! I'm the new student.." she takes a second to catch her breath. "Hasegawa Hikari."

A small smirk grows on my face as I eye the girl standing just inches away from my desk, still panting. She finally takes a look around, her eyes eventually meeting mine. I give off a light grin, causing the girl to give an awkward smile back. "Hasegawa Hikari. Right! Here, take a seat beside Saito Tomiko." The teacher says loudly, that loudness where it's embarrassing for you 'cause the whole class can probably hear it. The girl nods, plopping her bag down beside her desk. I watch carefully as the girl takes a seat, fluffing out her skirt as her butt and the chair meet.

Guess she doesn't wanna talk. She must want me to start the convo!

"Hey, I'm—" "Calm it, girly. She doesn't actually care about you!" Says a boy, interrupting my introduction. "Ken." I say under my breath, practically ready to throw something at the guy.

- - Ken * surname; Hoshido - -

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- - Ken * surname; Hoshido - -

"I'm Hoshido Ken. My father is a very important business man here in Tokyo. I'm sure you've heard my last name come up before, yes?" Ken asks with major confidence. Hikari looks down, a tint of pink brushed across her face. "Uh, yeah! I have, actually.. your father took my father's job away. His whole company, actually." The girls speaks up, looking Ken straight in the eyes.

Damn, Hoshido! You've got someone who finally has the frickin' guts to speak out against you!

Ken gives off a small grin. "Ah. Well, I'm sorry about that, Ms. Hasegawa. My father runs a large business, and he does what he feels is necessary. It was nice meeting you, Hikari." He continues, backing away slowly. Hikari scoffs under her breath, "Brat." she says. I chuckle at that. She looks over at me, embarrassed. "Oh! S-Sorry!" She says, covering her mouth as her face turns bright red. "It's alright, dude! He's a dick anyway. He thinks he's all cool 'cause of his father, Mr. Hoshido and all.. like he'll ever inherit the family company. With his 4 older brothers, he doesn't stand a chance." I say. Hikari looks.. impressed? "Wow, you sure know a lot about the guy.." she says looking back at him.

Oops. Did I say too much?

"Uh.. of course! E-Everyone does, yeah?!" I stutter as my voice ascends to a higher pitch.

The girl smiles.


"Just don't forget to announce the official meeting of the deck club, okay?" I asked in a stern voice, making sure the student heard me. She nods, "I got it, Fujiko." She says as she picks up the microphone to state the announcements.

I walk out of the office with no emotion on my face whatsoever. It's my resting face, and I get judged for it way more than I should. "Good Morning Usaku High!" The girls voice is projected throughout the school. I smile as I look down, knowing my club will finally be heard.

As I turn the corner, I notice the janitors closest proped open, and some rustling noises. Me being the curious girl I am, walks over to the closet, and peeks my head in.

Hoshido Suzuki.. what is he doing in Usaku High?

He seems to be going through some sort of binder while moving around frantically. I quickly try to move away, getting caught in the act. "Yamada Fujiko. Aren't you late for class?" A chilling voice speaks up. I stop walking, and face back toward the business man. "Mr. Hoshido, please excuse me. I had to give an announcement." I say nonchalant, my hands stiff by my sides. Mr. Hoshido chuckles, putting his binder in his leather case. "Stay out of trouble, Yamada. You don't know when disaster will strike." He says, and walks the opposite direction.

Disaster? Was that just to scare me, or is something bad really going to happen?

Ayako's POV

"Sensei! Hireo San needs a new paper for his assignment!" I say in a chirp-like voice. People say I'm basically a loli, and honestly, that's a compliment!! I tug on Hireo San's sleeve playfully. "Ayako, no! I'm fine!" He says, not trying to break free of my grasp.

Watanabe Hiroe is like a big brother to me. He looks after me, and I look after him! We met because our parents are good friends, and boom! Hiroe San instantly turned into a brother figure for me. I've always wanted a sibling.. being an only child sucks. Yuck.

Hiroe rolls his eyes, "Fine, but only this once. I purposely didn't do the assignment, Aya." He says, going to the front of the class.

Hireo San calls me Aya for short, instead of Ayako. It's so cute!!

I watch as Hiroe San talks to the sensei, giggling myself.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2018 ⏰

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