Everyone Changes

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(y/n) POV

Mom and I were eating breakfast like we used to when I was little, "(y/n) wheres Lucinda? I haven't seen her." mom said, "Lucinda is gone she... she changed and not in a good way she turned into some kind or yandere. She held Sky hostage and tried to kill Blake and calmed that if Blake wasn't the right girl for me and that I belonged with her." I said, mom came over and hugged me, "sweet heart I'm so sorry that happened, I know how close the two of you were that must have been hard for you." mom said, "i...it's ok mom, sure it was hard but I have Blake to help me get through it." I said as Blake walked in to the kitchen in her pajamas and a robe. "I know sweetie, but I still see that little boy I took in off the streets when I see you in any sort of pain." mom said "I know mom." I said as Winter and dad came into the kitchen, "but I have my entire family to help me, that includes you mom." I said and suddenly we heard a loud crash followed by Sky screaming.


I cried in fear, I had woken up to Lucinda standing over me with a gun and a knife. 

Cinder POV

We all ran to Sky's room and entered to find a terrified Sky being held hostage by Lucinda. "LUCINDA LET HER GO NOW!" (y/n) yelled, "I'd love to you just have to let me kill Blake and be with me my love." she said, then Blake stepped forward "if I die then you will let my baby girl go unharmed right." Blake said Lucinda nodded and pulled the trigger.

My body moved on its own, I pushed Blake out of the way and took the shot. "MOOOOOOOM!!!" (y/n) shouted as I fell to the ground I heard Sky running towards us. 

It's funny I couldn't feel anything. I felt no pain  then everything went white. "Mommy can we go to the park?" a six year old (y/n) said I reached out for him but as I touched him he turned to dust. "Mommy it hurts." (y/n) said from behind me, I turned around to see him on the ground his hands and knees scraped and bleeding his blue bike on the ground behind him, I tried to comfort him but once again he turned to dust. "Mom look!" "Mom I got an A on my project." "I love you Mom." "Happy Mothers Day Mom!" "Mom I got accepted into Beacon!" several versions of (y/n) appeared and I was surrounded by my son. All of my favorite moments of raising him played before me. I was so happy a tear trickled down my face.

(y/n) POV

"MOM, MOM, COME ON MOM YOU CAN'T DIE! YOU CAN'T JUST LEAVE ME! MOM!" I cried and mom lifted her arm up and touched my cheek there was a faint warmth to her touch that quickly faded as her hand fell. "MOMMMMMMMMM!!!!" I cried, a single tear rolled down her cheek. She was gone I began to sob uncontrollably, I could hear Sky crying. Blake shielded Sky from seeing anymore everyone tried to comfort me but nothing helped much.

A few days later we held the funeral. Surprisingly the Schnee family actually came. I know Weiss and Winter had told them what happened, but they hated me. When it came time for me to say a few words it was easier than expected. "Mom... Mom was a kind and loving mother. Sure like any parent she wasn't perfect by any means. She might have caused the Fall of Beacon but it was to protect Sky. I remember that no mater what I could always count on mom to keep me safe and to protect me." I said after that Blake, Winter, and dad all said a few words. We burred mom with a sword we had custom made, we named it Mother's Flame, Sky had given us a ice dust heart pendant to put on the blade that her and Ruby had bought.

A few weeks after the funeral Ozpin had told us that Sky was the new fall maiden and would have to go through intensive training.


A/N: This chapter is really short I know, but it was really hard for me to wright much after the first  part of Cinder's POV. I love Cinder that's why I made her the readers adoptive mother and not a love interest . I also planed on making Sky a maiden eventually but I felt this this was the appropriate way for her to become a maiden. I'll make the next chapter longer.

I hope you enjoyed!!

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