Chapter Ten

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Rosie's p.o.v

I need to talk to Jessy and fix things with her nothing is stoping me from getting the love of my life back

"are you ok" said Patricia interrupting my thoughts

"Yea I'm ok" I said looking out the window

"you want to go see her" she asked me

"You don't know how much" I said whipping the tears off my face

All I've been doing is crying

"I think ill call her office since she won't pick up her phone" I said

"Ok" she said

I picked up my cell phone and called her office

ring ring ring

"Elite magazine how may I help you" a man said

I immediately recognized the voice on the other side

"Andrew hey it's Rosie is Jessy there I need to talk to her it's very important" I said

"Oh miss Pope sorry to inform you but miss Taylor is not here she left the country for a couple months" he said

"What no is there any way I can contact her it's important " I said holding back the tears

"sorry but no shes out with no contact now if you excuse me I have to go" he said

"Ok thank you" I said

I broke down and cried why is this happening to me right now I need her

• • •

Jessy's p.o.v

it's been months since I got to brazil and I love it here

Me and Amelia have been spending a lot of time together I like her company she is something else

"Hey what are you thinking about" Amelia asked me

"Nothing life I guess" I said looking out the balcony of her room which had the best view of Rio de Janeiroh

"Jess" she Said

"Huh" I asked

When I turned around I found Amelia holding her chest she fainted I went and grabbed her before she completely fell to the ground

"Oh my god Amelia please wake up please wake up" I said panicking

"get me my medicine from the cabinet" she said suddenly opening her eyes

I picked her up and put her on the bed I ran to the bathroom and took all the bottles of medicine I saw and brought them to her

"Ok which one is it" I said scared out of my Mind

She pointed at the blue bottle which looked familiar those were the same pills that my first foster mom took while she had cancer she had leukemia why is Amelia taking these but I didn't question anything I just did as I was told

I sat inpatient next to her was she going to be ok I thought to my self

• • •

Minutes later

Amelia got better and took a little nap I stayed just to make sure she was ok and with all this happening in the back of my mind all I managed to do was to thinking about Rosie

"Hey" I heard Amelia say from behind me

"Hi" I said rushing over to her

I hugging her

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