Chapter Twelve

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Jessy's p. o. v

Have you ever felt like God tests you sometimes. it's like things happen to you and only you but the you think some people go thought worst things every day ever second so you forget what ever happens to and you just move on

Even though I'll never understand what was His purpose of putting Amelia in my path I'll always appreciate that he did she's changed me for the better and thought me how to care for not only mines but for hers and everyone's feelings around me

After that day Amelia told me she only had a few months to live

I promised her it would be the best months of her life to not worry about anything. I made her smile I made her laugh I married her which was a beautiful beach ceremony with her closet friends and family she looked stunning and breathtaking I cried not going to lie I did but over all it was beautiful.

We were always together and she loved it we did lots of things I never thought I would do like swimming with sharks "never again will I ever do that"

we even skydived which to me was like The worst idea ever who in the world created this oh let's not forget about signing that death waver which was the hardest thing I've ever done but to have her hold my hand the entire time was all worth it

I'd give anything to see her smile again

The past few months for her were the hardest she was weak and lost a lot of weight it was heartbreaking to see her like this my heart ached but she managed to smile even when it took everything in her

• • •

Hospital room

"Hey" I said

"Hi" she said running out of breath

"how do you feel" I asked her

"Ok" she said

A few tears escaped my eyes I knew she wasn't ok

"That's good" I said kissing her hand

"Hey I want you to have this" she said holding her hand up

It was the locket she had around her neck

"What's this for" I said

"I want you to hold a piece of me when I'm gone I love you Jessy and never forget that I want you to move on and live your life and share that good heart of yours I can't thank you enough for giving me all I wanted , Jessy you don't know how hard I've been fighting to stay I wish I could but big man up there wants different and he knows best" she said taking breaths in between words

"Shhh your tired baby rest ok it's gonna be ok" I said crying trying for her not to see me

she stayed quiet for a long time as I caressed her cheeks with my fingers she held unto my hand and kissed it

"I love you Jessy" she said with her eyes closed

"I love you too baby" I said holding her hand tight

The tears were just free falling I just wish I could say those words the was she means them when se says it to me I hate my self right now and I knew I would never see her hazel eyes again

I kissed her lips one last time making then curve into a small smile

"I really do love you" I whispered But I was more like I was trying to convince my self

I got up and laid in the bed with her carefully lifting her and laying her on my chest she hugged my waist I felt her relax into me

Her breathing slowed down quickly i knew what was coming

I looked at the monitors and her heart beat slowed down it declined rapidly

I just closed my eyes and hugged her tight

"It's ok" she whispered

"It's gonna be ok baby" she lightly whispered this time

"No please stay" I whispers back

"It's ... Ok"

I kissed her head

I saw the monitor flat line

I hugged her tight I just couldn't let go

Few seconds later

I laid her back down on the bed and kissed her lips once again

Doctors flooded the room they told me to wait outside but I knew she was gone

I slowly Walked outside towards a wall and leaned on it but my knees could take it anymore I slid to the floor and cried

her mom and sister arrived minutes later but it was to late they were devastated

Apparently Amelia hid the last check up from them when the doctor told her she only had little time I guess she always told she was fine I didn't know

Her mom hugged me so tight I could feel her pain

• • •

The funeral went smoothly her family was so nice and even tho they lost a great human being they mored with me letting share their pain I've grown so close to them that I even call them my own

when everything was done I stayed at her grave sight for a moment I felt a hand on my shoulder

"you know she loved you a lot right" her sister said

"Yea I know" I said wiping the tears away

"She would want you to move on to" she said

"there will be no one like your sister" I said

"I know" we stayed there for a couple of minutes

I left the Little place her and I had found and stayed with Andrea for a couple days I had booked a flight back to New York I had work to start and finish

• • •


"It was wonderful having you here" Amelia's mom said hugging me

"It was wonderful meeting people like you I will stay in touch ok holidays,birthdays, weddings,graduations you name it" I said hugging her back

"That's what I wanted to hear" she said

"Don't forget about me aunt Jessy" said little Sam Amelia's older sisters son

"I will never ever ever ever ever forget about you" I said hugging him tight

"Don't forget to call either" her sister Andrea said

" I won't I promise" I said hugging Andrea back

"Ok bye guys love you" I said heading towards security

"Ok have a safe trip we love you too" her mom said

I turned to wave and smiled at them one more time

"New York here I come" i said to my self

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