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"Oh, hello. You're, uh, you're probably here about the story" A little elf appeared sitting in a chair, staring into the fourth wall, telling the readers. "Elves love to tell stories" 

"I'll bet you didn't know that about elves. There's probably a lot of things you didn't know about elves. Another interesting elf-ism, there are only three jobs available to an elf" 

"The first is making shoes at night while the old cobbler sleeps. You can bake cookies in a tree. As you can imagine, it's dangerous having an oven in an oak tree during the dry season. But the third job is the profession that every elf aspires to, and that is to build toys in Santa's workshop" 

And in case you're wondering, "Prep & Landing", the elite elf organization whose job is to ready millions of homes around the world for Santa Claus's visit was a completely different thing. Plus the famous Hermey is the only elf dentist at the North Pole. 

"It's a job only an elf can do. Our nimble fingers, natural cheer and active minds are perfect for toy-building. They tried using gnomes and trolls, but the gnomes drank too much.... and the trolls weren't toilet trained. No human being has ever set foot in Santa's workshop. Uh, that is until about 30 years ago, And, as you may have guessed, that's where our story begins"

Christmas Eve 1973~

That calm and peaceful night on Christmas Eve at an orphanage when Santa Claus arrived, a baby boy snuck into Santa's sack and was accidentally brought back to the North Pole. When Santa and the elves discovered the baby, they named him "Buddy" cause he wore "Little Buddy Diapers." 

"So, Santa had a decision to make. Fortunately, when it comes to babies, Santa's... a pushover. So, Buddy stayed with an older elf who had always wanted a child. But had been so committed to building toys, he... He, well, had forgotten to settle down" 

"Yes, yes, I raised Buddy. I was his adopted father. Though Buddy grew twice as fast, he wasn't any different from the other children. I mean... not really. And one day, when Buddy was old enough, I made him my own personal apprentice"

Papa Elf had told Buddy Santa's sleigh had been running low on power due to the loss of Xmas spirit every year through the magical Xmas icicle. A lot of people just didn't believe in Santa Claus anymore. And as you can imagine, Santa and everyone else at the North Pole had a real energy crisis on their hands. But that's why Papa Elf invented the "Kringle 3000", a 500-reindeer power jet turbine engine. Without it, the sleigh couldn't get more than a few feet off the ground. 

"As much as Buddy was accepted by his family and friends, there were a few drawbacks to being a human in an elf's world" 

Due to his... special talents, Buddy was demoted and sent where the special elves worked, and that was the toy testing. 

Eventually, Buddy overheard two of the other elves talking and found out that he was a human. Buddy was in shock and surprised. He should've known, there were so many signs right in front of him. Papa Elf decided it was time to tell his son what really happened. 

"I then proceeded to tell Buddy of how his father, Walter Hobbs had fallen in love when he was very young with a beautiful girl named Susan Wells. And how Buddy was born and put up for adoption by his mother, and how she had later passed away. I told him his father had never even known that Buddy was born. And most importantly, I told him where his father was. In a magical land called New York City"

Buddy's father worked at the Empire State Building for a children's book publisher. 

Buddy was so confused and didn't know what to do. He'd never left the North Pole, but this could be the golden opportunity to find out who he really is. Buddy soon told Santa and everyone else that he decided to go on a journey to New York City. He was a little nervous, New York was a very different place from the North Pole. 

"Can't wait to see my dad" Buddy said excitedly. "We're gonna go ice skating and eat sugar plums" 

Santa then revealed, much to Buddy's horror, that his father was on the naughty list due to his callous and unscrupulous demeanor.

"Listen, some people, they just lose sight of what's important in life" Santa explained to Buddy.

"But that doesn't mean they can't find their way again. Maybe all they need is just a little Christmas spirit" Mrs Claus suggested to Buddy he could help redeem his father.  

"Yeah!" All the other elves in the workshop cheered. 

"Well, I'm good at that" Buddy admitted.  

"I know you are" Santa smiled to Buddy.  

Papa Elf then came up to give Buddy a snow-globe of the Empire State building to take on his journey. 

"I'll always... be here for you" Papa Elf told his adopted son, giving him a hug and saying goodbye. 

After Buddy said goodbye to all his friends he set out, starting his journey way down south to the big city of New York. Little did he know, he was gonna get some help on his mission from a very special and familiar group of adventurous kids. 

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