Chapter 2

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The gang soon came inside Gimbels mall and decided to have a look around. 

Buddy was very intrigued by everything in sight. But he also had some troubles like mistaking some fruit spray for actual fruit and trying to figure out how to ride an escalator. 

The kids kept a close eye on Buddy, knowing they'd have to keep him from doing anything that was beyond stupid. 

Some of the gang had to soon stop and take a bathroom break. 

"Hey!" Buddy appeared over the stall next to him. "Have you seen these toilets? They're ginormous!"

"Good to know" David replied, suddenly feeling very uncomfortable since he was the own in the stall next to Buddy's. 

The gang soon continued wandering around the mall. 

"Wow, I would've hate to see this place on Black Friday" Teeders commented. 

"Kinda like Cynthia" Brock joked while the rest of the gang started snickering, remembering how she broke every nail clawing her way through that horrid crowd. 

"Hey, it was worth it!" The fashionista told her friends. "All for those burnt toast scented hair sprays" 

The gang only rolled their eyes at their wealthy friend thinking she was weird, before Mikey called everyone's attention. 

"Hey, uh, guys?" He asked. "Who's keeping an eye on Buddy?"

The whole gang immediately went wide-eyed as they looked around, having lost sight of the elf. 

"There he is!" Ann pointed out, seeing Buddy head into a toy store. 

The adventure kids and ninja turtle all quickly followed after Buddy inside the store before they looked around in awe, seeing all the toys. 

The kids then overheard a little quarrel and peeked out from behind a stack of Elmo dolls to see Buddy arguing with another man who appeared to be the manager, saying how this was the North Pole, but Buddy disagreed asking 'where's the snow?'. 

The manager had clearly mistaken Buddy for an employee. Most likely due to how Buddy was dressed, the kids thought. 

The gang then noticed how Buddy was weirdly smiling at the manager. 

"Why you smiling like that?" The Manager asked the weird elf man, looking at him oddly. 

"I just like to smile, smiling's my favorite" Buddy replied. 

"Boy, he sure is bubbly" Cynthia commented about Buddy in a joking manner. 

"Like Pinkie Pie!" Brock mentioned the gang's pony friend. 

"Smiling is my 5th favorite thing next to talking, hugging, eating pizza and annoying people" Mikey explained. 

Kali giggled a little to her unusual boyfriend before the kids then heard the manager make an announcement. 

"Okay, people, tomorrow morning 10 a.m, Santa's coming' to town!" The Manager announced to everyone in the store. 

"SANTA!!" Buddy suddenly burst out shouting with excitement. "OH, MY GOD!!"

"And here comes the awkwardness" Cynthia whispered sarcastically, as everyone in the store was soon staring at Buddy in that way. 

"He'll be here to take pictures with all the children" The Manager continued. "So keep your receipts" 

Buddy seemed really excited, thinking the real Santa was coming tomorrow. 

The kids then got distracted for a moment, seeing a bunch of elves on the shelves stacked up in rows for sale. 

"Oh, great" Kali groaned. "Not this guy again" 

The twins, David, and even Mikey had a problem with the Elf on the Shelf. Especially after this little incident back when the twins were much younger. 

"Oh, come on you babies" Cynthia scoffed at them. "It's just a doll, who just happens to have big creepy looking eyes"

"We were five!" Brock said in his defense. 

"Since when did we start living on communist Russia?" Ann added since the elf really did creep her and her twin brother out. 

The gang then looked back over and noticed Buddy talking to a pretty blonde woman employee who they could clearly tell he was already smitten with. The female worker however was unenthusiastic, saying how she was just trying to get through the holidays then tried to get Buddy to go away. 

Buddy thought she needed to sing a Christmas Carol. 

"The best way to spread Christmas cheer is singing loud for all to hear" Buddy proclaimed. 

"Thanks, but I don't sing" The blonde woman replied. "Especially in front of other people" 

"Well, if you sing alone you can sing in front of other people. There's no difference" Buddy explained. 

"My mom's friend Phoebe does it all the time" Kali mentioned. 

"Wait....." Buddy started. 

"I'm singing!" Buddy actually began singing out loud in front of everyone in the store. "I'm in a store, and I'm singing!" 

The adventure kids suddenly felt very embarrassed, some of them even face-palming. 

"I'm in a store, and I'm singing!" Buddy continued. 

"Hey! There's no singing in the North Pole" The Manager told him. 

"Yes, there is" Buddy replied. 

"No, there's not" The Manager argued. 

"We sing all the time" Buddy explained. "Especially when we make toys" 

The kids then heard an announcement made over the intercom saying that the store would be closing in a few minutes. 

"Well, it's time for me to go home" The blonde woman then told Buddy. 

"But Santa's coming, there's so much to do" Buddy said. 

"Yeah, um... I'll see you tomorrow..." The woman replied. 

"Buddy" The oddly human elf gave her his name. 

"Jovie" The blonde then gave her name, then she and Buddy shook hands. 

Jovie left the store while the adventure kids could clearly see that Buddy had found Jovie very attractive. 

Later, that evening~

After Kali had taken the gang out to help her give early Christmas presents to all her New York pals, the gang had just gotten back home from ice skating in the park. 

"That wasn't ice skating!" Cynthia complained as they came inside the house. "It was ultimate fighting in a meat locker!"

"It was awesome!" Mikey laughed. "You spent more time skating on your face than on your feet" 

"This is so going on my media page" Brock said, having gotten a picture of Cynthia skating on her face, which was pretty fun to the rest of the gang. 

"New Yorkers are so rude!" Cynthia continued whining. "I can't believe that little girl ran over me!" 

"Hello! You fell right in front of me!" Ann said. 

Kali then went to go video-chat with some of her friends, including Ginger and the chickens, the Recess gang, Hiro, Baymax and the gang, even Penny and Bolt. 

Meanwhile, Kali and the twins's mom Jane was out with her friends at Central Perk, where Phoebe performed her new Christmas song..... It sucked... really bad. 

As the adventure kids settled in for the night, they got the sense that with Buddy now being here it was their mission to help him save Christmas...

Again for the kids at least....

The Adventure Kids meet Buddy the ElfWhere stories live. Discover now